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The turbulent plasma dynamics in the periphery of a tokamak plays a key role in determining its overall performances. In particular, it governs the confinement properties of the device, through the formation of a transport barrier associated with the L-H transition, and it controls the heat load on the vessel walls. GBS [1] is a three-dimensional two-fluid turbulence code, based on the drift-reduced Braginskii equations, which allows the simulation of plasma turbulence in this tokamak region. A non-field aligned algorithm has been recently implemented in GBS, to allow simulations in diverted configurations, such as the single- and double-null. Furthermore, simulations in innovative exhaust configurations, such as the snowflake, are being performed. The results of GBS simulations in single-null configurations are used to investigate the processes determining the radial electric field at the plasma edge and the related formation of a transport barrier. In particular, we show the presence of two different turbulent transport regimes driven by Kelvin-Helmholtz and resistive ballooning instability, respectively. A transition between the two regimes is obtained by changing the power source, which leads to a strong ExB shear and to the onset of a transport barrier at the plasma edge. The ExB shear provides a saturation mechanism for the resistive ballooning instability while destabilising a Kelvin-Helmholtz mode that becomes the main drive for turbulent transport. The transition between the two regimes leads to a steepening of the pressure profile and improved plasma confinement. We derive an analytical expression for the pressure gradient length in both regimes. The simulation and analytical results are in good agreement. The analysis is then extended to the SOL where we highlight the effect of edge turbulence on the SOL width and therefore on the heat load on the vessel walls. Finally, the results of simulations of alternative divertor configurations, which are considered for DEMO, are analysed. The analysis focuses on four different magnetic configurations: the ideal snowflake, the snowflake plus, the snowflake minus with the secondary X-point in the high field side and the snowflake minus with the secondary X-point in the low field side. For all the different geometries, the SOL width and the heat flux to the vessel walls are computed and the physics behind them analysed. A comparison between the single-null configuration and the four considered advanced configurations is shown.
Paolo Ricci, Joaquim Loizu Cisquella