Photonic chip-based soliton microcombs have shown rapid progress and have already been used in many system-level applications. There has been substantial progress in realizing soliton microcombs that rely on compact laser sources, culminating in devices that only utilize a semiconductor gain chip or a self-injection-locked laser diode as the pump source. However, generating single solitons with electronically detectable repetition rates from a compact laser module has remained challenging. Here we demonstrate a current-initiated, Si(3)N(4 )chip-based, 99-GHz soliton microcomb driven directly by a compact, semiconductor-based laser. This approach does not require any complex soliton tuning techniques, and single solitons can be accessed by tuning the laser current. Further, we demonstrate a generic, simple, yet reliable, packaging technique to facilitate the fiber-chip interface, which allows building a compact soliton microcomb package that can benefit from the fiber systems operating at high power (> 100 mW). Both techniques can exert immediate impact on chip-based nonlinear photonic applications that require high input power, high output power, and interfacing chip-based devices to mature fiber systems. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
Tobias Kippenberg, Anat Siddharth
Tobias Kippenberg, Rui Ning Wang, Andrey Voloshin, Xinru Ji, Zheru Qiu, Andrea Bancora, Yang Liu