The generation of wide-angle diffraction patterns can be done in different ways using either thin diffractive optical elements with small features sizes or arrays of microoptics with large optical paths that are thick diffractive optical elements. Our aim is to create as many high contrast diffraction-limited dots in the far-field as possible with a uniform intensity distribution. As a model system, we use a sinusoidal phase grating and as a peculiarity, we introduce non-uniform illumination using a Gaussian beam illumination. By making use of the self-imaging phenomenon, a large number of peaks with uniform distribution are generated for a defined range of the phase grating thicknesses due to the sinusoidal curvature. For very high structures, the pattern distribution is not uniform and it demonstrates that very thick sinusoidal phase gratings are not suitable pattern generators. For simulation, we compare thin element approximation, fast Fourier transform beam propagation method, and the rigorous finite difference time domain method. The large-angle diffraction is considered using a high numerical aperture propagator for far-field simulation. We demonstrate that the beam propagation and the Fraunhofer approximation are not accurate enough. Also, our rigorous near-field calculation versus phase grating thickness confirms the significant influence of reflection of thick structures on the far-field distribution, especially on pattern uniformity. Finally, experiments were carried out to confirm our findings and a good agreement between the simulation and experimental far-field distributions confirms our approach. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
Toralf Scharf, Maryam Yousefi, Daniel Necesal