This paper presents techniques for evaluating the radiated power in JET disruptions. Disrupting plasmas are shown to have non-axisymmetric radiation profiles, motivating the re-evaluation of the standard techniques for calculating the total radiated power at JET using bolometry. Four single-channel bolometers at different toroidal locations are exploited to quantify the radiation asymmetry. Toroidal radiation peaking factors integrated over the entire disruption of up to 1.5 have been observed when varying the quantity of neon in pellets used in disruptions mitigated by shattered pellet injection. Using synthetic bolometer diagnostics developed with the Cherab spectroscopy modeling framework, we can estimate the systematic error on total power calculations for relevant radiation profiles and improve estimates of the total radiated power. We show that the component of the systematic error on the total power due to the poloidal radiation profile can be reduced from 70% to 10% with suitable assumptions about the structure of the poloidal profile.
Stefano Coda, Federico Alberto Alfredo Felici, Cristian Galperti, Federico Pesamosca
Basil Duval, Holger Reimerdes, Benoît Labit, Christian Gabriel Theiler, Cedric Kar-Wai Tsui, Kevin Henricus Annemarie Verhaegh, Roberto Maurizio, Hugo De Oliveira