More than 16, 000 people reach the EPFL campus every day by public transport, private car or non-motorised transports. According to the EPFL "Mobility Survey 2019", 22% of students commute by bicycle (compared to 20% of staff), but still 30% of the staff commute by private motorised vehicle (compared to 4% of students). The modal share of cycling has increased by 15% in 10 years, thanks in particular to the university efforts to promote soft mobility. Concrete examples include the bike repair shop "Le Point vélo", community engagement initiatives such as bike to work, and the deployment of numerous bike racks on campus. The main research objective of this Master thesis is to investigate the key factors that drive change of mobility patterns on university campuses, in particular with regard to cycling. The main research objective of this Master thesis is to investigate the key factors that drive change of mobility patterns on university campuses, in particular with regard to cycling.