We present a microfluidic dielectrophoretic-actuated system designed to trap chosen single-cell and form controlled cell aggregates. A novel method is proposed to characterize the efficiency of the dielectrophoretic trapping, considering the flow speed but also the heat generated by the traps as limiting criteria in cell-safe manipulation. Two original designs with different manufacturing processes are experimentally compared. The most efficient design is selected and the cell membrane integrity is monitored by fluorescence imaging to guarantee a safe-cell trapping. Design rules are suggested to adapt the traps to multiple-cells trapping and are experimentally validated as we formed aggregates of controlled size and composition with two different types of cells. We provide hereby a simple manufactured tool allowing the controlled manipulation of particles for the composition of multicellular assemblies.
Christophe Ballif, Quentin Thomas Jeangros, Christian Michael Wolff, Daniel Anthony Jacobs, Kerem Artuk, Xin Yu Chin
Christophe Ballif, Bertrand Yves Paul Paviet-Salomon, Laurie-Lou Senaud, Deniz Türkay, Lison Sylou Marthey, Matthieu Despeisse, Mathieu Gérard Boccard, Luca Massimiliano Antognini, Julie Amandine Dreon