This thesis investigates the effects of aluminates, sulfates, and heterogeneous substrates on the nucleation and growth of synthetic calcium-silicate-hydrates (C-S-H) produced by dropwise precipitation. The use of synthetic C-S-H, separate from other cementitious phases, allows formation mechanisms and kinetics effects to be investigated in a simplified system. The addition of other ions and substrates then allows an approach to the more complicated, multi-phase system of cement and concrete. The first goal of this thesis was to reproducibly synthesize single-phase C-S-H with Ca:Si from 1 to 2. Guidelines were described for collection, drying, and handling of the precipitates to prevent the formation of Ca(OH)2 during synthesis and minimize carbonation. Interlayer spacing in precipitates was studied by transmission XRD to compare the effects of Ca:Si, relative humidity, and time, using the 14Å tobermorite structure as a baseline for synthetic C-S-H. The growth and nucleation kinetics of C-S-H were then investigated with the combined thermodynamic and population balance equation model (PBEM). The surface characteristics of C-S-H, C-A-S-H, and C-S-H + were grown on the surface of heterogeneous substrates, quartz and calcite, to approach C-S-H growth in real systems. Overall, the results from this thesis provided helpful information on synthetic C-S-H, C-A-S-H, and C-S-H + $ at the full range of Ca:Si molar ratios, particularly ratios above 1.5, as observed in Portland cement. As we get closer to understanding and controlling C-S-H in real systems, this work will help provide insight as to how heterogenous substrates and aluminates introduced by SCMs, in addition to sulfates, commonly added to cement via gypsum, affect the early age strength and kinetics of C-S-H formation.
Stefano Mischler, Laura Brambilla
Alfredo Pasquarello, Jinggang Lan
Karen Scrivener, Barbara Lothenbach, Diana Londoño Zuluaga, Natechanok Chitvoranund