This paper introduces a new method for solving the distributed AC power flow (PF) problem by further exploiting the problem formulation. We propose a new variant of the ALADIN algorithm devised specifically for this type of problem. This new variant is characterized by using a reduced modelling method of the distributed AC PF problem, which is reformulated as a zero-residual least-squares problem with consensus constraints. This PF is then solved by a Gauss-Newton based inexact ALADIN algorithm presented in the paper. An open-source implementation of this algorithm, called rapidPF, is provided. Simulation results, for which the power system's dimension varies from 53 to 10224 buses, show great potential of this combination in the aspects of both the computing time and scalability. Copyright (C) 2022 The Authors.
Rachid Guerraoui, Nirupam Gupta, Youssef Allouah, Geovani Rizk, Rafaël Benjamin Pinot
Alexandre Caboussat, Dimitrios Gourzoulidis