We define ``random trip", a generic mobility model for independent mobiles that contains as special cases: the random waypoint on convex or non convex domains, random walk with reflection or wrapping, city section, space graph and other models. We use Palm calculus to study the model and give a necessary and sufficient condition for a stationary regime to exist. When this condition is satisfied, we compute the stationary regime and give an algorithm to start a simulation in steady state (perfect simulation). The algorithm does not require the knowledge of geometric constants. For the special case of random waypoint, we provide for the first time a proof and a sufficient and necessary condition of the existence of a stationary regime. Further, we extend its applicability to a broad class of non convex and multi-site examples, and provide a ready-to-use algorithm for perfect simulation. For the special case of random walks with reflection or wrapping, we show that, in the stationary regime, the mobile location is uniformly distributed and is independent of the speed vector, and that there is no speed decay. Our framework provides a rich set of well understood models that can be used to simulate mobile networks with independent node movements.