We describe a novel UHV state-to-state molecule/surface scattering apparatus with quan- tum state preparation of the incident molecular beam and angle-resolved quantum state detection of the scattered molecules. State resolved detection is accomplished using a tun- able mid-infrared laser source combined with a cryogenic bolometer detector and is appli- cable to any molecule with an infrared-active vibrational transition. Results on rotationally inelastic scattering of CH4 methane from a Ni(111) surface and NiO(111)/Ni(111) oxide film, obtained by the new apparatus, are presented. Molecules scattering from the oxidized surface, compared to those scattering from the bare nickel surface, are more highly excited rotationally and scatter into a broader distribution of angles. The internal alignment of molecular rotation is in addition found to be stronger in molecules scattering from the bare surface. Further, the maxima of the state-resolved angular distributions shift towards and away from surface normal with increasing rotational quantum number J for the oxidized and bare surface respectively. Finally, the rotational state populations produced in scatter- ing from the oxidized surface are well-described by a Boltzmann distribution, while those produced in scattering from the bare surface exhibit large deviations from their best-fit Boltzmann distributions. These results point towards a marked enhancement in molecule- surface collisional energy exchange induced by oxidation of the nickel surface.
Majed Chergui, Andre Al Haddad, Lars-Hendrik Mewes, Rebecca Ann Ingle
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