Limestone calcined clays are a promising technology as they offer similar performance to OPC from 7 days onwards, while enabling a reduction of the clinker content of 50%. In some regions of the world like South America, pozzolanic cements (i.e., blended cements that combine clinker with natural pozzolans) have been used for decades as an effective solution to reduce the clinker content. Their clinker factors range from 80 down to 60% on average. However, their mechanical properties are in general lower as compared to OPC/CEM I. In this study, we show that by using LC3-type formulations, cements with the same performance as commercial pozzolanic cements can be produced with clinker contents significantly below 50%. This is explained by the high reactivity of calcined clays and the synergetic reaction of metakaolin and limestone that allows offsetting the clinker reduction.
Karen Scrivener, Qiao Wang, William Wilson
Karen Scrivener, Franco Alberto Zunino Sommariva, Shashank Bishnoi, Sreejith Krishnan