The learning center concept is based on a new vision centered on the need for a convergence of human, information, knowledge, educational resources and a relevant part of information and collaborative technologies. This vision is founded on the new students needs in terms of active training, autonomy and new competences. It necessitates an organizational convergence covering four major dimensions: public, information resources, technology and administration. The most critical aspect of the learning center projects is certainly the techno-logical convergence, which implies an interdisciplinary collaboration and the use of appropri-ate approaches and management tools. To illustrate all of these aspects, we will present a syn-thesis of the case of a learning center project under implementation in an academic institution in Switzerland, whose major development effort mainly relates to the building and the equipment of physical spaces, as well as the development and/or acquisition of technological systems and services. We will stress the implications of the learning center concept in asso-ciation with the discipline of management of technology, which will contribute to clarify the whole process.
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