Dieter DietzDieter Dietz has been educated at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and has studied at the Cooper Union in New York City with Diller/Scofidio. He has received his degree in architecture in 1991 at ETH Zurich. He has worked with Diane Lewis Architects in New York and with Herzog & de Meuron in Basel. With partner architect Urs Egg he was a founding member of UNDEND Architecture in Zurich in 1997, an architectural practice with award winning entries in national and international competitions. Currently he is building up, a firm engaging in projects in urban design, media and architecture. From 1996 to 1999 Dieter Dietz has taught as Junior Faculty with Professor Marc Angélil at ETH Zurich. Since 2006 Dieter Dietz is Associate Professor for Architectural Design at EPFL in Lausanne and director of the ALICE laboratory in the ENAC faculty. He collaborates with the ALICE team on research projects at diverse scales with labs inside and outside EPFL. His teaching activities include the direction of the first year architectural design course as well as projects at master and thesis level.
Sara Sonia Formery RegazzoniAprès son diplôme d'architecte à l'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne en 2008, et des expériences auprès de bureaux d’architecture de l’arc lémanique en tant que responsable pour des projets à différentes échelles, Sara Formery a partagé son activité professionnelle entre une pratique indépendante (formerykössler Sàrl) et l’enseignement du projet d’architecture.
Forte de cette expérience croisée qui lui a permis d’approfondir et d’acquérir d’indispensables connaissances, elle mène depuis 2018 la recherche doctorale «Quartiers rhodaniens en transition», sous la direction du Prof. Emmanuel Rey au sein du Laboratoire d’Architecture et Technologies Durables (LAST) de l’EPFL.
Julien Lafontaine CarboniJulien Lafontaine Carboni is an architect. They graduated at ENSA Paris-Malaquais and currently pursues a PhD research at the ALICE Laboratory, EPFL. Julien published in several architectural, philosophical and anthropological journal such as Architecture and Culture, and Tabula Rasa. They investigates non-visual epistemologies to thread spatial histories. Bodies, gestures and words enact and perform spatialities, implying other forms of historicity concealed by the architectural disciplinarization. Thus, their aim is to replace architectural political agency in gestures themselves, while proposing a critical architectural historiography and theory.
Lucia-Nieves Garcia de Jalon OyarzunLucía Jalón Oyarzun is an architect and researcher. She graduated from the ETSAM School of Architecture of Madrid where she also obtained a Master in Advanced Architectural Projects and defended her PhD “Exception and the rebel body: the political as generator of a minor architecture” in 2017. Since 2010 she was a researcher at the Cultural Landscape Research Group at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and since 2019 she is a post-doc and Head of Research at ALICE (Atelier de la Conception de l'Espace)/EPFL. where she continues her interdisciplinary research on the conflict between the spatial forms used by politics and the exception, and the commons created by the rebel body, through a historical, political and philosophical reading of secrecy and clandestinity as spatial compositions under capitalism, the anaesthetic effects of the new attentional regimes on the body’s spatial capabilities, landscape as affective image and its media and infrastructural definition and architectural ethnography and the map as an instrument of (dis)orientation. She has taught for several years at the ETSAM School of Architecture of Madrid, and has been invited to several international universities. From 2017 to 2020 she was Director of Academic Affairs at Escuela SUR, a postgraduate interdisciplinary art program in Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid. In 2018 she curated the exhibition "4R Resistencia, Rebeldía, Revuelta, Revolución", a genealogy of revolt through art and culture, and her work, ranging from scientific production to cultural critique, has been published in several journals and publications.
Nagy MakhloufNagy Makhlouf graduated in architecture from ENSA Paris-Malaquais, and is currently pursuing a PhD at the ALICE laboratory at EPFL. His thesis deals with law, codes, protocols… as possible architectural tools supporting more self-organised ways of living.