CECAM - Gestion, short for Centre Europeen de Calcul Atomique et Moleculaire - Gestion, promotes fundamental research on advanced computational methods and their application to important problems in frontier areas of science and technology. With 27 institutions from 14 European countries, China, and the United States supporting its mission, CECAM focuses on atomistic and molecular simulations, extending to materials science, biology, and medicinal chemistry. The organization plays a crucial role in advancing computer simulation as a third way of doing science, bridging theory and experiment. CECAM's activities include organizing scientific workshops, advanced schools, algorithmic and software development workshops, collaborative research projects, and an international visitors program. With 18 nodes established across Europe, Israel, and the US, CECAM continues to evolve its scope to address emerging areas such as multiscale modeling, data-driven initiatives, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. By fostering exciting activities and collaborations, CECAM aims to inspire and enrich the computational science community, contributing to the transmission of its values to future generations of scientists.
Wanda Andreoni, Fabio Pietrucci, Changru Ma
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