CS-401: Applied data analysisThis course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and practical skills required to draw meaningful insights from a variety of data, with the help of the most acclaimed software tools in the dat
COM-480: Data visualizationUnderstanding why and how to present complex data interactively in an effective manner has become a crucial skill for any data scientist. In this course, you will learn how to design, judge, build and
ME-474: Numerical flow simulationThis course provides practical experience in the numerical simulation of fluid flows. Numerical methods are presented in the framework of the finite volume method. A simple solver is developed with Ma
FIN-525: Financial big dataThe course introduces modern methods to acquire, clean, and analyze large quantities of financial data efficiently. The second part expands on how to apply these techniques and robust statistics to fi
COM-417: Advanced probability and applicationsIn this course, various aspects of probability theory are considered. The first part is devoted to the main theorems in the field (law of large numbers, central limit theorem, concentration inequaliti
ENG-209: Data science for engineers with PythonCe cours est divisé en deux partie. La première partie présente le langage Python et les différences notables entre Python et C++ (utilisé dans le cours précédent ICC). La seconde partie est une intro
BIO-378: Physiology lab ILe TP de physiologie introduit les approches expérimentales du domaine biomédical, avec les montages de mesure, les capteurs, le conditionnement des signaux, l'acquisition et traitement de données.
BIO-379: Physiology lab IILe TP de physiologie introduit les approches expérimentales du domaine biomédical, avec les montages de mesure, les capteurs, le conditionnement des signaux, l'acquisition et traitement de données.
MATH-432: Probability theoryThe course is based on Durrett's text book
Probability: Theory and Examples.
It takes the measure theory approach to probability theory, wherein expectations are simply abstract integrals.