CH-438: Total synthesis of natural productsComplex polycyclic natural products are chosen to illustrate the evolution of the state-of-the-art of the field, the interplay between strategy and new reactions as well as the importance of implement
AR-458: City and mobilityLe cours ville et mobilité porte sur les savoirs de base sur la mobilité en partant des modes de vie pour informer l'architecture et l'ingénierie.
Il explore en particulier comment ville et mobilité
CS-411: Digital educationThis course addresses the relationship between specific technological features and the learners' cognitive processes. It also covers the methods and results of empirical studies: do student actually l
CH-352: Introduction to cheminformaticsIntroduction aux concepts de base de cheminformatique et
aux principaux outils utilisés. Applications potentielles de ces outils
en recherche pour la gestion de l'information.
ENG-366: Signals, instruments and systemsThe goal of this course is to transmit knowledge in sensing, computing, communicating, and actuating for programmable
field instruments and, more generally, embedded systems. The student will be able
CS-423: Distributed information systemsThis course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.