Florian Maria WurmFlorian Wurm received his academic training as a Biologist and Molecular Geneticist at the University of Giessen. He joined the Hoechst AG (Behringwerke) in Marburg as head of a laboratory in Virology. Working with immortalized mammalian cells for the establishment of production processes for alpha-interferons provided the first opportunity to combine basic research with medical application. In 1984 he joined Harvard Medical School in Boston as a Research Fellow in Molecular Biology. 1986 he took an offer from Genentech Inc. in San Francisco to work in Process Sciences on the development of large scale manufacturing processes for recombinant proteins. There he has held a number of leading positions and has acquired intimate knowledge in the generation of protein pharmaceuticals in mammalian cells in bioreactors (a number of which are now marketed products). In 1995 he joined the EPFL as a Professor for Biotechnology. Wurm has published more than 250 scientific papers and holds more than 20 patents/patent-applications. His H-index stands at 60 in 2021. He was Chairman (2005-2009) and is member of the Executive Board of the European Society of Animal Cell Technology (ESACT). He serves as a consultant to the pharmaceutical Biotech Industry, mainly in the fields of animal cell technology for recombinant protein production and in regulatory affairs. He works as a scientific reviewer and editior/asscciate editor for a number of international journals in the Biotech field. F.M. Wurm teaches classes to pre- and postgraduate students in the fields of Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology.
He was founder and Chief Scientific Officer of ExcellGene SA, a 2001 established company in Monthey, Switzerland. He took the position of President and CEO of ExcellGene in 2015. He retired from the CEO position in 2017 and continues to be President and Chief Scientific Officer of ExcellGene.
In 2008 Dr. Wurm was appointed Visiting Professor for Biotechnology at Jinan University in Guangzhou, China. He retired from his position at the EPFL in 2015. His laboratory is closed. With his team at ExcellGene and in collaboration with Dr. Paco Pino, Director of R&D, he continues to explore manufacturing sciences with animal cells in bioreactors.
Denis DubouleDenis Duboule est né en 1955. De Nationalités Suisse et Française, il étudie la biologie à lUniversité de Genève où il reçoit un PhD dans le domaine de lembryologie des mammifères en 1984. Il passe ensuite 10 ans à létranger, dabord comme post-doc et group leader à la faculté de Médecine de Strasbourg (CNRS), puis au Laboratoire Européen de Biologie Moléculaire, à Heidelberg (Allemagne). En 1993, il est nommé Professeur ordinaire à lUniversité de Genève, où il dirige le département de Génétique et Evolution depuis 1997. En 2001 il prend la direction du pôle dexcellence NCCR aux Frontières de la Génétique et celle de la division médecine-Biologie du FNS en 2012. En 2006, il est nommé Professeur ordinaire à lEPFL, Lausanne, où il dirige le laboratoire de Génomique du Développement (UpDUB).
Ses activités de recherche sexercent dans le domaine de lembryologie, de la génétique et de la génomique du développement des mammifères, dans le contexte général de lEvolution des structures et des organes. En particulier, son laboratoire a été associé à de nombreuses recherches dans le domaine de lanalyse structurelle et fonctionnelle des gènes architectes (Hox) et de leur régulation transcriptionnelle pendant le développement précoce. Denis Duboule est également actif dans le domaine de la communication de la science. Il est membre de lAcademia Europea ainsi que dautres académies. Il est également membre de lInstitut de France (Académie des Sciences), de la Société Royale (UK) et de lAcadémie des Sciences Américaine (NAS). Il a reçu plusieurs prix et distinction, notamment le Prix Marcel Benoist, le Prix Louis-Jeantet de Médecine en 1998 et le Prix international de lINSERM en 2010. Voir également https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denis_Duboule. Cathrin BriskenCathrin Brisken, MD, PhD, is Associate Professor of Life Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). Dr. Brisken is internationally recognized for her work on endocrine control of mammary gland development and breast carcinogenesis.
Dr. Brisken received her MD and her PhD degree in Biophysics from the Georg August University of Göttingen, Germany. She completed her postdoctoral work in cancer biology with Dr. R.A. Weinberg at the Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research in Cambridge, MA, USA. She previously held appointments at the Cancer Center of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston and the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC).
Research in Dr. Brisken’s laboratory focuses on the cellular and molecular underpinnings of estrogen and progesterone receptor signaling in the breast and the respective roles of these hormones and hormonally active compounds in carcinogenesis. The aim is to understand how recurrent exposures to endogenous and exogenous hormones contribute to breast carcinogenesis in order to better prevent and treat the disease. The laboratory has pioneered in vivo approaches to genetically dissect the role of the reproductive hormones in driving mouse mammary gland development and shown how they control intercellular communication. Dr. Brisken’s group has developed ex vivo and humanized mouse models using patient samples to study hormone action in human tissues in normal settings and during disease progression.
Dr. Brisken is member of the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Biological Protocol Working Group. She served as Dean of EPFL Doctoral School (more than 2000 PhD students in 18 PhD programs), as member of the Hinterzartener Kreis, the oncology think-tank associated with the German Science Foundation, and numerous Swiss, European, and AACR committees. She co-founded the International Cancer Prevention Institute.
Paul Joseph DysonPaul Dyson rejoignit l’EPFL en 2002 à la tête du Laboratoire de chimie organométallique et médicinale de l’Institut des sciences et ingénierie chimiques, dont il en assuma ensuite la direction entre 2008 et 2016.
Le prof. Dyson a été récompensé par de nombreux prix dont le Prix Werner de la Société Suisse de Chimie en 2004, le Prix pour les réalisations exceptionnelles en chimie bio organométallique en 2010, la Médaille du Centenaire de la naissance de Luigi Sacconi (2011) de la Société Italienne de Chimie, le Prix de Chimie bio-inorganique de la Royal Society of Chemistry en 2015, le Prix européen pour une chimie durable de la Société Européenne de Chimie en 2018 et le Prix pour la chimie verte de la Royal Society of Chemistry en 2020.
Le prof. Dyson est également mentionné dans la liste établie par Clarivate des chercheurs les plus cités (Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher), avec un H-index >110 (Web of Science et Google Scholar). Paul Dyson a été élu membre de la Royal Société de Chimie en 2010, membre de l’Académie Européenne des Sciences en 2019 et membre à vie de l’Association Américaine pour l’Avancement de la Science en 2020. Au cours des dernières années il s’est vu décerner le titre de Professeurs Hôte par l’Université de Bourgogne, l’Université de Pierre et Marie Curie, l’Université de Vienne, l’Université de Rome Tor Vergara, l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de chimie de Paris (Chimie ParisTech) et par l’Université de Shangai Jiao Tong.
De 2016 à 2021 il était membre du conseil de la recherche de la division de mathématique, sciences naturelles et de l’ingénieur du Fonds National Suisse. En 2021, il a été nommé doyen de la Faculté des Sciences de Base.
Daniel ConstamDaniel Constam received his doctoral degree in Natural Sciences from ETH Zürich in the neuroimmunology group of Adriano Fontana (1993). For postdoctoral studies, he joined the laboratory of Elizabeth Robertson as an EMBO fellow at Harvard University to characterize proprotein convertase (PC) functions in mouse models of early embryogenesis (1994-1999). As an ISREC group leader (>2000) and Associate Professor at EPFL (>2007), he initially continued to study pluripotency and lineage differentiation during development and found that several secreted PCs jointly regulate cell-cell adhesion and TGFβ signaling pathways at the cross-roads of stem cell and cancer biology. To map the proteolytic activity of PCs and their relative distribution in exocytic or endocytic vesicles, his lab developed PC-specific FRET sensors for high resolution live imaging in normal cells and in tumour-host interactions. His studies on TGFβ signaling also identified the RNA-binding protein Bicc1 and its self-polymerization in membrane-less organelles as regulators of mRNA translation and cell metabolism that cooperate with primary cilia to prevent cystic growth in renal tubules and in pancreatic and bile ducts.
Michel AguetDr. Michel Aguet, MD, held positions in academia and industry (Associate Professor at the Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Zürich; Head of Molecular Oncology, Genentech, So. San Francisco) before he was appointed director of the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC) (1996-2009). In the context of the integration of ISREC into the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), he was appointed as Full Professor at the newly established School of Life Sciences in 2005. From 2001-2013 he directed the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) in Molecular Oncology, a national program launched by the Swiss National Science Foundation to encourage translational cancer research and for which ISREC was the leading house. Dr. Aguet has been a SAB member in the pharmaceutical industry, biotech industry and venture capital industry since 1997.
A large part of his scientific career was devoted to exploring the molecular biology of interferons (cloning of the interferon gamma receptor, generation of various interferon signaling mutants in the mouse) and, in collaboration with Prof. Charles Weissmann, to investigating the role of prion related protein PrP in mouse prion disease models. In recent years his research focused on characterizing the role of BCL9 proteins, which are part of the Wnt/beta-catenin transcriptional activation complex, in regulating stem cell traits in intestinal epithelium and colorectal cancer. His laboratory is now closed due to retirement.
Joachim LingnerPhD at the Biocenter, University of Basel 1989-1992 (Supervisor: Walter Keller). Postdoc at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Colorado at Boulder 1993-1997 (Supervisor: Thomas Cech). Junior group leader at ISREC 1997-2001. Senior group leader at ISREC since 2002. Associate Professor at EPFL 2005-2008. Full Professor at EPFL since 2009. Honors: START-fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation in 1997; Friedrich Miescher Prize from the Swiss Society of Biochemistry in 2002; EMBO member in 2005; ERC advanced investigator grant in 2008.