Eugen Brühwilerbirth date: 19.11.1958 nationality: Swiss (native from Dussnang, Canton of Thurgau) Education : - July 1988 : doctoral degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland with a thesis entitled Fracture mechanics of dam concrete subjected to quasi-static and seismic loading conditions - December 1983 : civil engineering diploma (university degree) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland Professional Experience : - Since 1st April 1995 : Professor of Structural Engineering at EPFL and Head of the Laboratory of Maintenance, Construction and Safety for Civil Structures (MCS) (often considered being the first chair worldwide devoted exclusively to existing civil structures). - 1991-94 Project Manager and structural engineer with the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), Division of Bridges and Structures, Zurich: Monitoring and maintenance of bridges and structures, Project manager and checking engineer for the construction of new bridges and rehabilitation of existing bridges. - 1989/90 Research associate at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA : Fracture mechanics of concrete and fracture of concrete dams. - 1986-88 Doctoral student at EPFL-LMC (Building Materials, Prof. Wittmann) : Fracture mechanics of concrete, fracture of concrete dams under seismic loading - 1984/85 Research engineer at EPFL-ICOM (Steel Structures, Prof. Badoux and Prof. Hirt) : Fatigue behaviour and fracture mechanics of riveted bridges
Jérôme BaudryJérôme Baudry is a historian of science and technology. Since 2019, he is a tenure-track assistant professor at EPFL, where he heads the Laboratory for the History of Science and Technology (LHST) and manages the UNIL-EPFL Collection of Scientific Instruments. He studied history, mathematics, sociology and economics in Paris, before receiving a PhD in the history of science at Harvard University. His research interests include the history of intellectual property, the role of the visual in science and technology, and the history and sociology of public participation in science. He is particularly interested in developing and experimenting with new tools and methods — especially digital and computational — for historical research.
Florence Graezer BideauMaître d’enseignement et de recherche au Collège des Humanités et à la Section d'Architecture, EPFLProfesseure invitée au Département d’Architecture et de Design, Politecnico di Torino Docteure en histoire et civilisation (EHESS, Paris)Directrice du Minor in Area and Cultural Studies (MACS) entre 2012 et 2016Membre du Groupe de recherche Patrimoine, culture et villeChercheuse associée au China Room Research Group et South China-Torino Collaboration Lab, Politecnico di Torino Membre associée au Laboratoire d’anthropologie culturelle et sociale (LACS) de l’Université de LausanneMembre de la Commission de l’Ecole doctorale d’architecture et science de la ville (EDAR) de l’EPFL Florence Graezer Bideau est anthropologue, sinologue et docteur en histoire et civilisation depuis 2005. Avant de rejoindre le Centre for Area and Cultural Studies (CACS) de l’EPFL en 2010, elle a été maître assistante en anthropologie à l’Université de Lausanne où elle a enseigné dans les domaines de la théorie culturelle et de la méthodologie d’enquête de terrain. Directrice adjointe, puis Directrice du CACS entre 2012 et 2014, elle est maître d’enseignement et de recherche au sein du Collège des Humanités de l’EPFL et enseigne dans le domaine des area studies, de l’anthropologie de la Chine, des critical heritage studies et des études urbaines. Entre 2012 et 2016, elle a été directrice du Minor in Area and Cultural Studies. Depuis 2015, elle est membre de la commission de Ecole doctorale d’architecture et science de la ville (EDAR) de la Faculté de l’environnement naturel, architectural et construit (ENAC) de l’EPFL. Professeure invitée au Département d’architecture et de Design, Politecnico di Torino, Italie, depuis 2015, ses domaines d’expertise comprennent l’anthropologie de la Chine, la sociologie urbaine, les modes de sociabilité et la gouvernementalité Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur les liens entre la culture et le pouvoir (construction de la politique culturelle en Chine ; émergence des communautés de makers (makerspaces) et politique d’innovation en Chine), sur les questions patrimoniales (processus de patrimonialisation et du multiculturalisme en Malaisie et à Singapour ; mise en œuvre de la Convention de l’UNESCO pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel en Suisse), ainsi que sur la fabrication de la ville (notion de paysage historique urbain dans les politiques patrimoniales à Pékin, Rome et Mexico City ; résistances informelles face à la violence de l’urbanisme à Caracas, Chennai et Guangzhou ; construction d’habitats autonomes à la suite de situations catastrophiques en Inde, au Liban et en Malaisie ; usages des espaces publics dans les nouvelles villes chinoises).
Luca Giovanni PattaroniSuite à une formation en Relations Internationales (Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Genève) et un DEA en sciences sociales (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris/Ulm), Luca Pattaroni a soutenu une thèse de sociologie en cotutelle (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris/ Université de Genève) sous la direction de Laurent Thévenot (EHESS) et Jean Kellerhals (Université de Genève). Après avoir occupé durant 5 ans un poste d'assistant à la Faculté de Droit (Université de Genève), il a été visiting scholar à lUniversité de Columbia (New York). Il travaille désormais au Laboratoire de Sociologie Urbaine (EPFL) et est associé au Groupe de Sociologie Politique et Morale de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (GSPM/EHESS). En 2011, il a été Professeur invité à l'Université Fédérale de Fluminense (Brésil). Ses recherches et publications portent sur les politiques urbaines et culturelles, l’habitat, les mouvements sociaux, les rythmes urbains et les grandes manifestation, l’évolution des modes de vie ainsi que, plus largement les enjeux du commun dans les villes contemporaines. Spécialiste des méthodes mixtes ainsi que de théorie sociologique et politique, il cherche à articuler une analyse fine du pluralisme des modes de vie et un questionnement sur les enjeux politiques et moraux de la composition dun monde commun.
Dominique Foray1 - Current occupations and activities I am Full Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and hold the Chair of Economics and Management of Innovation (CEMI). I am a member of the Swiss Council for Science (SWR); chairman of the Advisory Board of the Swiss Economic Research Institute (KOF); and a foreign member of the Center of Capitalism and Society (Columbia University, New York). From 2007 to 2015, I served as a member of the Swiss National Research Council (Division IV - Large Scale Programs) From 2013 to 2016, I was a member of the Expert Commission for Research and Innovation of Germany (E-FI) and a member of the Expert Group for the National Report on Research and Innovation (SBFI, Switzerland). From 2008 to 2011, I served as chairman of the expert group Knowledge for Growth; a group of prominent economists created to advise Commissioner J. Potocnik (European Commission, DG research). This is during this service as member of this Group that I developed the concept of smart specialisation (together with P.A.David and B.Hall) that is now a key policy mechanism of the EU (cohesion policy). My expertise includes the economics of innovation and knowledge and the economic policy implications of the new knowledge-based economy. I have presented many opening speeches and key note address in academic and policy conferences on these topics. I have written numerous academic papers as well as two books and have edited several books and special issues in these fields. Among these books,I like to highlight : Technology and the Wealth of Nations (Pinter, 1992) ed.with C.Freeman; Unemployment and Growth in the Knowledge-based Economy (OECD, 1996), ed. with B.A.Lundvall; Knowledge economies and societies (a special issue of the International Social Science Journal, Basil Blackwell, 2002, with editions in French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabs, Russian); The Economics of knowledge (MIT press, 2004, paperback in 2006) with editions in France, Italy, Korea, China, Greece, Syria and Algeria The New Economics of Technology Policy(Edward Elgar)2009, ed.; . Smart specialisation : opportunities and challenges for regional innovation policy(Routledge, 2015) Since 2017, I regularly contribute to the Swiss Science Council blog: 2 Education, previous appointments and academic positions - I received my Ph.D. in economics in 1984 and my "habilitation à diriger des recherches" in 1992 from the University Lumière of Lyon. - In 1985, I joined the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) as a Research Fellow in economics. - In 1990, I joined the Ecole Centrale de Paris as professor of economics, and taught in the program ingénieur économiste. - In 1993, I was nominated as Research Director at CNRS and joined the Institut pour le Management de la Recherche et de l'Innovation (IMRI) of the University of Paris-Dauphine. - In 2001-2004, I worked as a Principal Analyst at the Center for Education, Research and Innovation of OECD (Paris). - I joined the EPFL as Professeur Ordinaire in 2004. 3 - Honours and awards Best young economist award - City of Lyon (France)1986 Outstanding research in 1995 (médaille du CNRS)(France) Futuris award in 2012 for his work on smart specialisation Best paper award, EJIM, 2014 Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Cluj Napoca, 2017 I was also elected as Research Fellow at ICER (International Center for Economic Research) in Turin, at the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin and at IIASA in Laxenburg; and I was Invited Professor at the Universities of Santiago de Compostela, Torino and Padova. 4 - Consulting activities I have done consulting work for the UNESCO, the OECD, WIPO, UNCTAD, UN/ECE, the European Commission, the Swiss Government and other public organisations. I am currently strongly involved into the "smart specialisation" debate in Europe, giving talks and providing advices in many countries and regions in Europe. Sila KaratasSıla Karataş (1987, Ankara) was graduated as architect and awarded Master’s degree with the thesis “Building Marshall Plan in Turkey: The Formation of Workers’ Housing Question, 1946-1962” at the Middle East Technical University. In her thesis, she analyzed the formation of postwar workers’ housing discourse concerning the policy, planning and architecture of workers’ housing cooperatives within the framework of the ideological and spatial programming of the Marshall Plan and Americanization in Turkey. This research received Honourable Mention in 'Young Social Scientists Awards' of the Turkish Social Sciences Association. She worked as assistant and lecturer in Turkey between 2012-2019; took part in architectural and urban design studios as tutor and reviewer, gave Case Studies in Social Housing and Community Planning among other courses. Since September 2019, she is a PhD student and doctoral assistant at EPFL. Her PhD research concerns postwar workers’ housing programs of the Mediterranean countries participated in the Marshall Plan (France, Italy, Greece, Turkey), and is a comparative analysis of local models in relation to the transnational activity by the United States and multilateral organizations on postwar development, labour affairs and housing. This research is awarded a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for PhD and being funded by the Swiss Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists (FCS).