Behavioral engineeringBehavioral engineering, also called applied behavior analysis, is intended to identify issues associated with the interface of technology and the human operators in a system and to generate recommended design practices that consider the strengths and limitations of the human operators. "The behavior of the individual has been shaped according to revelations of 'good conduct' never as the result of experimental study." Watson wrote in 1924 "Behaviorism ... holds that the subject matter of human psychology is the behavior of the human being.
Contingency managementContingency management (CM) is the application of the three-term contingency (or operant conditioning), which uses stimulus control and consequences to change behavior. CM originally derived from the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA), but it is sometimes implemented from a cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) framework as well (such as in dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT). Incentive-based contingency management is well-established when used as a clinical behavior analysis (CBA) treatment for substance use disorders, which entails that patients' earn money (vouchers) or other incentives (i.
Analyse appliquée du comportementL'analyse du comportement appliquée, siglée ABA, en anglais Applied Behavior Analysis, se définit comme la science dans laquelle les techniques dérivées du béhaviorisme sont appliquées systématiquement afin d'améliorer des comportements socialement significatifs, et dans laquelle l'expérimentation est utilisée pour identifier les variables explicatives du comportement. L'analyse appliquée du comportement a remplacé la modification du comportement » (behavior modification) car cette dernière approche tentait de changer le comportement sans clarifier les interactions sous-jacentes avec l'environnement.
Behavior modificationBehavior modification is an early approach that used respondent and operant conditioning to change behavior. Based on methodological behaviorism, overt behavior was modified with consequences, including positive and negative reinforcement contingencies to increase desirable behavior, or administering positive and negative punishment and/or extinction to reduce problematic behavior. It also used Flooding desensitization to combat phobias.
BéhaviorismeLe béhaviorisme ou comportementalisme est un paradigme de la psychologie scientifique selon lequel le comportement observable est essentiellement conditionné soit par les mécanismes de réponse réflexe à un stimulus donné, soit par l'histoire des interactions de l'individu avec son environnement, notamment les punitions et renforcements par le passé. L'approche béhavioriste vise à mettre au jour des relations statistiquement significatives entre les variables de l'environnement et les mesures du comportement étudié sans faire appel au psychisme comme mécanisme explicatif.