Jean-Philippe AnsermetJean-Philippe Ansermet was born March 1, 1957 in Lausanne (legal origin Vaumarcus, NE). He obtained a diploma as physics engineer of EPFL in 1980. He went on to get a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where, from 1985 to 1987, he persued as post-doc with Prof. Slichter his research on catalysis by solid state NMR studies of molecules bound to the surface of catalysts. From 1987 to 1992 he worked at the materials research center of Ciba-Geigy, on polymers for microelectronics, composites, dielectrics and organic charge transfer complexes. In March 1992, as professor of experimental physics, he developed a laboratory on the theme of nanostructured materials and turned full professor in 1995. Since 1992, he teaches classical mechanics, first to future engineering students, since 2004 to physics majors. Since 2000, he teaches thermodynamics also, to the same group of students. He offers a graduate course in spintronics, and another on spin dynamics. His research activities concern the fabrication and properties of magnetic nanostructures produced by electrodeposition. His involvement since the early days of spintronics have allowed him to gain recognition for his work on giant magnetoresistance (CPP-GMR), magnetic relaxation of single nanostructures, and was among the leading groups demonstrating magnetization reversal by spin-polarized currents. Furthermore, his group uses nuclear magnetic resonance , on the one hand as means of investigation of surfaces and electrodes, on the other hand, as a local probe of the electronic properties of complex ferromagnetic oxides.
Harald BruneOriginaire de Münich en Allemagne, né en 1961, Harald Brune obtient son diplôme en physique de l'Université Ludwig Maximilians en 1989. Après une thèse en chimie physique à l'Institut Fritz-Haber de la Société Max-Planck à Berlin il obtient son titre de docteur ès sciences en 1992. Dès cela, il rejoint le groupe du Prof. K. Kern à l'Institut de physique expérimentale à l'EPFL. En 1995 il est chercheur invité à Copenhague travaillant en modélisation chez le Prof. J. Nørskov. De retour à l'EPFL, il se voit décerné le prix Latsis EPFL 1996 pour ses études par microscopie à effet tunnel de processus atomiques déterminants la croissance cristalline de couches minces. En 1998 il obtient son habilitation (venia legendi) en Physique et est nommé Maître d'enseignement et de recherche (MER) en nanophysique à l'EPFL. La même année il recoit une offre de Professeur Ordinaire (C4) de l'Université Philipps de Marburg. Début 1999 il réfuse cette offre et accepte un poste de Professeur Extraordinaire à l'EPFL et s'installe au sein de l'Institut de la Physique des Nanostructures. Il est nommé Professeur Ordinaire en 2005. Sa recherche porte sur les propriétés physiques (en particulier le magnétisme et la structure électronique) de nouvelles formes de la matière condensée comme des nanostructures et des couches ultra-minces. Il s'intéresse également à la catalyse hétérogène sur des systèmes inspirés dans leur composition et taille par celle des sites actives dans les enzymes en biologie. Il enseigne la Physique Générale pour ingénieurs, la Physique des matériaux solides pour physiciens, les méthodes expérimentales pour physiciens, ainsi que la Physique des surfaces, interfaces et nanostrcutures à l'école doctorale.
Stefano RusponiEducation:
• 1999 Doctoral degree in Physics obtained at the Physics Department, University of Genova PhD thesis title: “STM study of nanostructures induced by ion sputtering on noble metals”.
• 1994 University degree in Physics achieved at the Physics Department, University of Genova. Final mark: 110/110 cum laude
Diploma thesis title: “A project for a new method of EELS spectroscopy”.
• 1988 High school at the Liceo Scientifico G. P. Vieusseux in Imperia. Final mark: 60/60.
Research career plan:
• 2016 – present MER: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in the group of Prof. Harald Brune
• 2003 – 2016: 1er. Assistant: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in the group of Prof. Harald Brune
• 2000-2003: Assistant: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) under the direction of Prof. Harald Brune
• 1999-2000: Research associate: Max-Planck-Institut of Stuttgart under the direction of Prof. Klaus Kern
Miscellaneous of professional activities:
a) Review panel
• Member of the Elettra proposal review panel
• Member of the committee of the EDPY doctoral school in Physics at the EPFL
b) Co-worker in the building of the X-Treme beamline:
c) Referee for scientific journals:
• Nat. Commun., Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, J. Appl. Phys., Surf. Sci., J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
Funding record
a) Funding awarded
• Quantum Properties of Nanostructures at Surfaces, FNS 200020-157081/1;
(01/10/2014 – 31/09/2017); total amount attributed: 832'558 CHF; co-applicant
• Controlling magnetic anisotropy by interfacial coupling, FNS 200021_146715/1;
(01/01/2014 – 31/12/2016); total amount attributed: 367'800 CHF; co-applicant
• Self-assembled bi-metallic magnetic pillar superlattices with enhanced blocking temperature, SER C10.0135; (01/08/2011 – 01/08/2013); total amount attributed: 170'000 CHF; co-applicant
• Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of Surface Supported Metallic Nanostructures, FNS 200020-120493/1; (01/04/2008 – 31/03/2010); total amount attributed: 402'669 CHF; co-applicant
• Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of Surface Supported Metallic Nanostructures, FNS 200020-112322/1; (01/04/2006 – 31/03/2008); total amount attributed: 347'633 CHF; co-applicant
b) Approved proposals for the allocation of beamtime
Swiss Light Source (SLS):
main proposer: 9
co-proposer: 4
main proposer: 5
co-proposer: 1
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF):
main proposer: 2
co-proposer: 11
Student supervisor
• Co-director of PhD thesis: 4 PhD students
Dimitris Mousadakos: Seeking the smallest room temperature magnets; (in progress)
Romana Baltic: Controlling single atom magnetic anisotropy by interfacial coupling; (in progress)
Alberto Cavallin: Growth and magnetism of nanostructures investigated by STM, MOKE, and XMCD; (Oct. 2013), Thèse N°5941
Sergio Vlaic: Magnetism and atomic scale structure of bimetallic nanostructures at surfaces; (Dec. 2012), Thèse N° 5625
• Supervisor of PhD thesis (without co-direction): 4 PhD students
Anne Lehnert: Magnetism of individual adatoms and of epitaxial monolayers; (Jun. 2009), Thèse N° 4411
Geraud Moulas: Growth and magnetism of 2D bimetallic nanostructures; (Dec. 2008), Thèse N° 4231
Philipp Buluschek: Submonolayer growth of cobalt on metallic and insulating surfaces studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations; (Nov. 2007), Thèse N° 3944
Nicolas Weiss: Propriétés magnétiques de nanostructures de Co adsorbées; (Apr. 2004), Thèse N° 2980
• Supervisor of Master thesis: 6 students
• Supervisor of semester projects: 9 students
• PhD thesis referee: 2 students Henrik Moodysson RønnowHenrik Ronnow was born in Copenhagen in 1974. He was awarded his master's degree in physics in 1996. Having earned his doctorate in 2000, he left Denmark for training at the Laue-Langevin Institute in Grenoble. Between 2000 and 2002, he held a Marie Curie Fellowship hosted by the Atomic Energy Commission. In 2002 he was appointed as an invited researcher at the NEC Laboratories in Princeton, then at the University of Chicago's James Franck Institute. In 2003, he became a researcher at the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich) and at the Paul Scherrer Institute. In 2007 he was appointed Assistant Professor at Ecole Polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL). In 2012 he was promoted to Associate Professor. Profession 2012- Associate Professor, Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism, EPFL, Switzerland 2007-2012 Assistant Professor, Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism, EPFL, Switzerland 2003-2006 Scientist, Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, ETH-Zürich & Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland 2002-2003 Visiting Scientist, NEC-Laboratories Inc., Princeton, and James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, USA 2000-2002 Marie Curie Fellowship funded by the EU, hosted by Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Grenoble, France 2000 Postdoc, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France 1996 Research assistant, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark Education 2000 Ph.D. in Physics, Risø National Laboratory and University of Copenhagen: Aspects of quantum magnetism in one, two and three dimensions 1996 M.Sc. in Physics, University of Copenhagen: Magnetic properties of holmium-erbium alloys 1995 B.Sc in Mathematics, University of Copenhagen 1994 B.Sc in Physics, University of Copenhagen 1992 High school graduate, Natural Sciences, Scolae Academiae Sorana
Klaus KernKlaus Kern is Professor of Physics at EPFL and Director and Scientific Member at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany. He also is Honorary Professor at the University of Konstanz, Germany. His present research interests are in nanoscale science, quantum technology and in microscopy at the atomic limits of space and time. He holds a chemistry degree and PhD from the University of Bonn and a honorary doctors degree from the University of Aalborg. After his doctoral studies he was staff scientist at the Research Center Jülich and visiting scientist at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill before joining the Faculty of EPFL in 1991 and the Max-Planck-Society in 1998. Professor Kern has authored and coauthored close to 700 scientific publications, which have received nearly 60‘000 citations. He has served frequently on advisory committees to universities, professional societies and institutions and has received numerous scientific awards and honors, including the 2008 Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Prize and the 2016 Van‘t Hoff Prize. Prof. Kern has also educated a large number of leading scientists in nanoscale physics and chemistry. During the past twenty-five years he has supervised one hundred PhD students and sixty postdoctoral fellows. Today, more than fifty of his former students and postdocs hold prominent faculty positions at Universities around the world.
Anna Fontcuberta i Morral2014 Associate Professor at the Institut des Matériaux, EPFL
2008 Assistant Professor Tenure Track at the Institut des Matériaux, EPFL
2009 Habilitation in Physics, Technische Universität München
2005-2010 Marie Curie Excellence Grant Team Leader at Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Universität München, on leave from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France)
2004-2005 Visiting Scientist at the California Institute of Technology, on leave from CNRS; Senior Scientist and co-founder of Aonex Technologies (a startup company for large area layer transfer of InP and Ge on foreign substrates for the main application of multi-junction solar cells)
2003 Permanent Research Fellow at CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France
2001-2002 Postdoctoral Scholar at the California Institute of Technology
Study of wafer bonding and hydrogen-induced exfoliation processes for integration of mismatched materials in views of photovoltaic applications
Sponsor: Professor Harry A. Atwater
1998-2001 PhD in Materials Science, Ecole Polytechnique
Study of polymorphous silicon: growth mechanisms, optical and structural properties. Application to Solar Cells and Thin Film Transistors
Advisor: Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
1997-1998 Diplôme dEtudes Approfondis (D.E.A.) in Materials Science at Université Paris XI, France .
1993-1997 BA in Physics at Universitat de Barcelona
Oleg YazyevProf. Oleg Yazyev (Олег Язев) was born in Simferopol, Crimean peninsula. He obtained his degree in chemistry from Moscow State University in 2003. He then joined Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) completing his PhD thesis in chemistry and chemical engineering in 2007. Next two years he has spent as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP) and the Institute for Numerical Research in the Physics of Materials (IRRMA) of the same institution. In 2009-2011 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Physics of the University of California, Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In September 2011 he started an independent research group supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation professorship grant. In 2012 he was awarded an ERC Starting grant. His current research focuses on theoretical and computational physics of the recently discovered Dirac fermion materials with strong emphasis on their prospective technological applications. ResearcherID profile of Oleg Yazyev