There are different systems of feeding cattle in animal husbandry. For pastured animals, grass is usually the forage that composes the majority of their diet. Cattle reared in feedlots are fed hay supplemented with grain, soy and other ingredients to increase the energy density of the feed. The debate is whether cattle should be raised on fodder primarily composed of grass or a concentrate. The issue is complicated by the political interests and confusion between labels such as "free range", "organic", or "natural". Cattle raised on a primarily foraged diet are termed grass-fed or pasture-raised; for example meat or milk may be called grass-fed beef or pasture-raised dairy. The term "pasture-raised" can lead to confusion with the term "free range", which does not describe exactly what the animals eat.
Grazing by cattle is practiced in rangelands, pastures and grasslands. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, about 60% of the world's grassland is occupied by grazing systems. "Grazing systems supply about 9 percent of the world's production of beef ... For an estimated 100 million people in arid areas, and probably a similar number in other zones, grazing livestock is the only possible source of livelihood."
Convertible husbandry
In this system, cattle are primarily fed on pastures, crop residues and fallows. Mixed farming systems are the largest category of livestock system in the world in terms of production.
Feedlot and intensive finishing are intensive forms of animal production. Cattle are often "finished" here, spending the last months before their slaughter gaining weight. They are fed nutritionally dense feed, also known as "concentrate", in stalls, pens and feedlots at high stocking densities in enclosures. This achieves maximal rates of liveweight gain.
Grass and other forage compose most or the majority of a grass-fed diet. There is debate whether cattle should be raised on diets primarily composed of pasture (grass) or on a concentrated diet of grain, soy, and other supplements.
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vignette|Alimentation de bovins dans un élevage intensif du Kansas L'alimentation animale est une branche de la zootechnie qui décrit les besoins alimentaires des animaux d'élevage et les moyens et méthodes permettant de les satisfaire. Ces méthodes doivent aussi être compatibles avec le maintien en bonne santé des animaux, assurer la qualité finale des produits d'élevage et rester économiques pour l'éleveur.
Free range denotes a method of farming husbandry where the animals, for at least part of the day, can roam freely outdoors, rather than being confined in an enclosure for 24 hours each day. On many farms, the outdoors ranging area is fenced, thereby technically making this an enclosure, however, free range systems usually offer the opportunity for the extensive locomotion and sunlight that is otherwise prevented by indoor housing systems. Free range may apply to meat, eggs or dairy farming.
Les feed-lots, feedlots ou parcs d'engraissement, désignent à la fois les parcs d'engraissement industriels et intensifs de bovins exploités pour la production de viande, et l’activité qui y est pratiquée. Les feed-lots sont historiquement typiquement présents en Amérique du Nord (notamment aux États-Unis, dans les États du Texas, du Kansas et en Oklahoma). Ils se sont aussi développés dans d'autres pays ayant misé sur l'exportation de viande : Afrique du Sud, Argentine, Australie et Brésil.
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