Réalisation (audiovisuel)La réalisation d'un film est le processus de fabrication qui commence par une idée originale, parcourt les étapes de l'écriture du script, prépare le tournage au cours de la préproduction, mène à sa bonne fin le tournage proprement dit, puis assure le montage et la finition, appelés postproduction, et se termine par la distribution qui englobe toute la commercialisation de l'ouvrage. Elle implique un nombre de techniciens, d'artistes et de personnels administratifs qui va de quelques dizaines de personnes à quelques milliers.
Film industryThe film industry or motion picture industry comprises the technological and commercial institutions of filmmaking, i.e., film production companies, film studios, cinematography, animation, film production, screenwriting, pre-production, post-production, film festivals, distribution, and actors. Though the expense involved in making films almost immediately led film production to concentrate under the auspices of standing production companies, advances in affordable filmmaking equipment, as well as an expansion of opportunities to acquire investment capital from outside the film industry itself, have allowed independent film production to evolve.
Production companyA production company, production house, production studio, or a production team is a studio that creates works in the fields of performing arts, new media art, film, television, radio, comics, interactive arts, video games, websites, music, and video. These groups consist of technical staff to produce the media, and are often incorporated as a commercial publisher. Generally the term refers to all individuals responsible for the technical aspects of creating a particular product, regardless of where in the process their expertise is required, or how long they are involved in the project.
Television crewTelevision crew positions are derived from those of film crew, but with several differences. Pre-production Work before shooting begins is called the pre-production stage. The crew in this stage include the casting director, costume designer, director, location manager, make-up artist, researcher, screenwriter, set designer, and television producer. Casting director The casting director casts actors, and so is usually one of the first crew members on the project.
Producteur de cinémaUn producteur de cinéma est la personne qui est responsable de l'ensemble du processus de fabrication du film au sein de l'entreprise de production. C'est par contre cette dernière qui possède, fabrique, et exploite l'œuvre cinématographique ainsi produite. Il est la plupart du temps l'un des actionnaires de cette entreprise, souvent majoritaire, parfois le seul, mais il peut aussi, par exemple dans le cas des grandes compagnies de production, n'en être qu'un dirigeant.
Production teamA production team is the group of technical staff who produce a play, television show, recording, or film. Generally the term refers to all individuals responsible for the technical aspects of creating of a particular product, regardless of where in the process their expertise is required, or how long they are involved in the project. For example, in a theatrical performance, the production team includes not only the running crew, but also the theatrical producer, designers and theatre direction.
CastingDans le domaine des arts du spectacle, le casting, ou laudition, est l'étape qui permet de choisir des artistes (acteurs, danseurs, chanteurs...) voire des techniciens en vue d'une production théâtrale ou audiovisuelle. Le terme est également utilisé concernant les mannequins dans le domaine de la mode. Par métonymie, le terme « casting » est également utilisé pour désigner la distribution, c'est-à-dire l'ensemble des interprètes ayant obtenu un rôle dans une production audiovisuelle ou un spectacle ; cependant, dans ce cas-là, le terme correct en anglais est « cast » (et non « casting »).
Outline of filmThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to film: Film refers to motion pictures as individual projects and to the field in general. The name came from the fact that photographic film (also called filmstock) has historically been the primary medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Film can be described as all of the following: Art – aesthetic expression for presentation or performance, and the work produced from this activity.