
Andreyan Zakharov

Andreyan Zakharov (Андрея́н Дми́триевич Заха́ров; 19 August 1761 – 8 September 1811) was a Russian Imperial architect and representative of the Empire style. His designs also alternated neoclassicism with eclecticism. Zakharov was born and died in Saint Petersburg. He was a member of a family employed by the Admiralty board, and his greatest work was his renovation and expansion of the Admiralty building. He studied in the Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts from 1767 to 1782 with Alexander Kokorinov and Ivan Starov, and then in Paris from 1782 to 1786 with Jean Chalgrin. In 1794, he became a full Academician at the Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts. In addition to the Admiralty building, he constructed several buildings in Gatchina and other towns neighboring Saint Petersburg. The Admiralty In 1805, Zakharov was appointed Chief Architect of the Department of the Navy. His focus was on conducting the management of buildings; including the design, and construction of civil, and i
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