A diluent (also referred to as a filler, dilutant or thinner) is a diluting agent. Certain fluids are too viscous to be pumped easily or too dense to flow from one particular point to the other. This can be problematic, because it might not be economically feasible to transport such fluids in this state. To ease this restricted movement, diluents are added. This decreases the viscosity of the fluids, thereby also decreasing the pumping/transportation costs.
One industrial application is the transport of crude oil via pipelines. Heavy crude oil/bitumen are fluids with high viscosity, especially at low temperatures. The addition of a diluent enables the diluted fluid (dilbit in the case of bitumen) to meet pipeline specifications in order for it to be efficiently transported. Typical diluent in this case is naphtha or condensate.
Types of diluents more familiar to the general public include paint thinner and nail polish thinner, both of which improve the consistency and applicability of the products to which they are added. Diluent is also used as a term in solvent extraction for an inert solvent in which a metal extraction agent (extractant) is dissolved. In solvent extraction the diluent has potentially several uses. It can be used as a solvent (in the purely chemical sense rather than the solvent extraction sense) to dissolve an extractant which is a solid and so render it suitable for use in a liquid–liquid extraction process. In other cases such as PUREX nuclear reprocessing the diluent (kerosene) is used to reduce the maximum metal loading which the organic layer can reach. If the organic layer was to acquire too much metal then a solid metal complex might form, or more worryingly in a nuclear process the potential for a criticality accident if the fissile metal concentration in the organic phase becomes too high.
Water is probably the most common and familiar diluent, but many substances, such as oils, do not dissolve well in water and therefore require different diluents to be diluted effectively without separating into parts.
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Un sable bitumineux (ou bitumeux) est un mélange de bitume brut, qui est une forme semi-solide de pétrole brut, de sable, d'argile minérale et d'eau. En d’autres mots, c’est un sable enrobé d’une couche d’eau sur laquelle se dépose la pellicule de bitume. Plus la pellicule de bitume est épaisse, meilleurs sont les sables bitumineux en termes de quantité de pétrole extractible. Après extraction et transformation des sables bitumineux, on obtient le bitume, qui est un mélange d’hydrocarbures sous forme solide, ou liquide dense, épais et visqueux.
Le bitume est un matériau présent naturellement dans l'environnement ou pouvant être fabriqué industriellement après distillation de certains pétroles bruts. Il est composé d'un mélange d'hydrocarbures, peut se trouver à l'état liquide ou solide, et a une couleur brunâtre à noirâtre. Le bitume est liquéfiable à chaud et adhère aux supports sur lesquels on l'applique. Il possède un certain nombre de qualités physico-chimiques dont l'être humain a su faire usage depuis la Préhistoire.
Asphalt rubber is a modified binder widely used in pavement construction. Composition design methods of asphalt rubber blends are exclusively empiric and rely on the selection of the optimal combination of parameters after a long experimental program. The ...