
Johann Christian Martin Bartels

Johann Christian Martin Bartels (12 August 1769 – ) was a German mathematician. He was the tutor of Carl Friedrich Gauss in Brunswick and the educator of Lobachevsky at the University of Kazan. Biography Bartels was born in Brunswick, in the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg (now part of Lower Saxony, Germany), the son of pewterer Heinrich Elias Friedrich Bartels and his wife Johanna Christine Margarethe Köhler. In his childhood he showed a great interest in mathematics. In 1783 he was employed as an assistant to the teacher Büttner in the Katherinenschule in Brunswick. He became acquainted with Carl Friedrich Gauss there and encouraged his talent and recommended him to the Duke of Brunswick who awarded Gauss a fellowship to the Collegium Carolinum (now Technical University of Brunswick). A friendship developed between Gauss and Bartels and they corresponded between 1799 and 1823. From 23 August 1788 he was a visitor at the Collegium Carolinum in Brunswick. On 23 October 1791
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