
Fairfield (Iowa)

Fairfield is a city in, and the county seat of, Jefferson County, Iowa. It has a population of 9,416 people, according to the 2020 census. The median family income is 46,138,with10Itbecamethecountyseatin1839with110residentsandgrewto650by1847.Itslibrarywasestablishedin1853,andithelditsfirstfairin1854.EarlyarchitectureinFairfieldincludesworkbyGeorgeFranklinBarberandBarryByrne.TheareanowknownasJeffersonCountywasfirstsettledin1836,andbecameJeffersonCountyin1839,withthenewcommunityofFairfieldasthecountyseat.ThenamewassuggestedbyNancyBonnifield,oneofthesettlers,becauseitaptlydescribedthefairfieldsofthearea.ButalsoauthorSusanWeltysuggestsitwasaplayofwordsonherownname(bonnyfield).By1840,Fairfieldhadapopulationof110andgrewto650in1847.ThecitywasthesiteofthefirstandsecondIowaStateFairs.ThefirstfairwasheldOctober2527,1854onoflandsurroundedbyafence.Thetotalcosttoholdthefairwasaround46,138, with 10% of families below the poverty line. It became the county seat in 1839 with 110 residents and grew to 650 by 1847. Its library was established in 1853, and it held its first fair in 1854. Early architecture in Fairfield includes work by George Franklin Barber and Barry Byrne. The area now known as Jefferson County was first settled in 1836, and became Jefferson County in 1839, with the new community of Fairfield as the county seat. The name was suggested by Nancy Bonnifield, one of the settlers, because it aptly described the fair fields of the area. But also author Susan Welty suggests it was a play of words on her own name (bonny field). By 1840, Fairfield had a population of 110 and grew to 650 in 1847. The city was the site of the first and second Iowa State Fairs. The first fair was held October 25–27, 1854 on of land surrounded by a fence. The total cost to hold the fair was around 320, and public admission was 25 cents per person. It is estimated that between 7,000 and 10,000 fair goers attended this historical event. Parsons College was founded in 1875. In 1893 the Carnegie Library was completed, the first west of the Mississippi. During the time leading up to the American Civil War, Fairfield was a stopping point for the Underground Railroad. Ultimately, over 1,600 residents of Jefferson County served in the Union Army. Early architecture in Fairfield includes Victorian houses designed by George Franklin Barber as well as a 1915 house designed by Barry Byrne, who trained under Frank Lloyd Wright. A 1930s bank building was designed in the Streamline Moderne style. Commercial and institutional architecture were influenced by the Louden Industries, including the Louden Foundry. Fairfield is the site of the prototype Carnegie library. In 1892, Senator "Jefferson Jim" Wilson met with Andrew Carnegie and secured a grant to build the first community-based library in the U.
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