Nursing is a profession which is staffed disproportionately by women in most parts of the world. According to the World Health Organization's (WHO) 2020 State of the World's Nursing, approximately 10% of the worldwide nursing workforce is male. Since the 1960s, nursing has gradually become more gender-inclusive. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) in the United States conducted a National Nursing Workforce Survey in 2020 and found that men represent 9.4% of registered nurses, compared to 9.1% in 2017, 8% in 2015, and 6.6% in 2013 Men constituted around 9% of nurses in the United States in 2011, around 10% in the United Kingdom in 2016, and around 6.4% in Canada in 2010. While the current structure of the medical field does not directly translate to historical provision of care, there is a history of male presence in the caring of the sick and injured. The term nosocomial originates from the Greek Νοσος/Nosos (Sickness) and Κομεω (Komeo) that means to Care. The word nosocomi was Latinized and was given to male caregivers, meaning that male nurses were prominent in Ancient Rome. During the plagues that swept through Europe, male nurses were also the primary caregivers. In the 3rd century, men in the Parabolani brotherhood created a hospital and provided nursing care. The Codex Theodosianus of 416 (xvi, 2, 42) restricted the enrollment on male nurses in Alexandria to 500. In the 14th century, the Alexian brothers existed as a Christian religious congregation with strong emphasis on care for the infirmed. Following a conversion to Christianity, John of God provided care for people who were both physically and mentally ill. He notably challenged the stigmas associated with Mental Illness. Later, he founded the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God, which continues to care for patients to this day. There are several reasons suggested for a low rates of nursing by males: stereotypes of nursing, lack of male interest in the profession, low pay, nursing job titles such as Sister and Matron, and the perception that male nurses will have difficulty in the workplace carrying out their duties.