Ingénieur du sonLe terme ingénieur du son est un terme générique qui peut s'appliquer à des métiers différents, avec des qualifications spécifiques. L'ingénieur du son a pour fonction d'assurer la gestion du son dans différents secteurs d'activité : cinéma (nommé généralement chef-opérateur du son) ; musique ; radio ; télévision ; sonorisation (concerts) ; spectacle vivant ; jeu vidéo. Un ingénieur du son conçoit, fabrique et opère les outils de captation et d'enregistrement pour enregistrer et mixer des programmes sonores aux moyens de machines réelles et virtuelles.
Studio transmitter linkA studio transmitter link (or STL) sends a radio station's or television station's audio and video from the broadcast studio or origination facility to a radio transmitter, television transmitter or uplink facility in another location. This is accomplished through the use of terrestrial microwave links or by using fiber optic or other telecommunication connections to the transmitter site. This is often necessary because the best locations for an antenna are on top of a mountain, where a much shorter radio tower is required, but where locating a studio may be impractical.
Professional audioProfessional audio, abbreviated as pro audio, refers to both an activity and a category of high-quality, studio-grade audio equipment. Typically it encompasses sound recording, sound reinforcement system setup and audio mixing, and studio music production by trained sound engineers, audio engineers, record producers, and audio technicians who work in live event support and recording using mixing consoles, recording equipment and sound reinforcement systems.
Audio over EthernetIn audio and broadcast engineering, Audio over Ethernet (sometimes AoE—not to be confused with ATA over Ethernet) is the use of an Ethernet-based network to distribute real-time digital audio. AoE replaces bulky snake cables or audio-specific installed low-voltage wiring with standard network structured cabling in a facility. AoE provides a reliable backbone for any audio application, such as for large-scale sound reinforcement in stadiums, airports and convention centers, multiple studios or stages.
Sound recording and reproductionSound recording and reproduction is the electrical, mechanical, electronic, or digital inscription and re-creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice, singing, instrumental music, or sound effects. The two main classes of sound recording technology are analog recording and digital recording. Sound recording is the transcription of invisible vibrations in air onto a storage medium such as a phonograph disc. The process is reversed in sound reproduction, and the variations stored on the medium are transformed back into sound waves.
TransducteurUn transducteur est un dispositif convertissant un signal physique en un autre ; par exemple un signal lumineux en signal nerveux (vision animale) ou signal électrique (photorécepteur). Transducteur électroacoustique : Hydrophone (transforme, dans les liquides, des oscillations acoustiques en oscillations électriques) ; Haut-parleur, écouteur, casque audio, bipeur, ronfleur (transforme un signal électrique en ondes acoustiques) ; Microphone (transforme des ondes acoustiques en un signal électrique) ; Micro-casque , Casque Audio ; Cristal piézoélectrique ; Transducteur microusiné ; Phonocapteur (transforme des oscillations mécaniques en un signal électrique).
Analog recordingAnalog recording is a category of techniques used for the recording of analog signals. This enables later playback of the recorded analog audio. Analog audio recording began with mechanical systems such as the phonautograph and phonograph. Later, electronic techniques such as wire and tape recording were developed. Analog recording methods store analog signals directly in or on the media. The signal may be stored as a physical texture on a phonograph record, or a fluctuation in the field strength of a magnetic recording.
Tape headA tape head is a type of transducer used in tape recorders to convert electrical signals to magnetic fluctuations and vice versa. They can also be used to read credit/debit/gift cards because the strip of magnetic tape on the back of a credit card stores data the same way that other magnetic tapes do. Cassettes, reel-to-reel tapes, 8-tracks, VHS tapes, and even floppy disks and early hard drive disks all use the same principle of physics to store and read back information. The medium is magnetized in a pattern.
Delay (effet)Le delay est un effet audio basé sur le principe de la chambre d'écho. Il permet de décaler un signal dans le temps entre son arrivée à l'entrée du delay et sa sortie, puis de le répéter régulièrement tel un écho. Suivant le genre musical, il peut être utilisé de manière intensive sur différents instruments (comme la guitare solo, la voix, etc.), ou peut simuler une légère réverbération. vignette|Exemple vidéo d'une pédale de delay numérique simulant un écho à bande (Nux Tape Core Deluxe) à la guitare électrique.
Equalization (audio)Equalization, or simply EQ, in sound recording and reproduction is the process of adjusting the volume of different frequency bands within an audio signal. The circuit or equipment used to achieve this is called an equalizer. Most hi-fi equipment uses relatively simple filters to make bass and treble adjustments. Graphic and parametric equalizers have much more flexibility in tailoring the frequency content of an audio signal.