In object-oriented programming, object-oriented design and object-oriented analysis, the identity of an object is its being distinct from any other object, regardless of the values of the objects' properties. Having identity is a fundamental property of objects.
This is closely related to the philosophical concept of identity.
A reference can be used to refer to an object with a specific identity. A reference contains the information that is necessary for the identity property to be realized in the programming language, and allows access to the object with the identity. A type of a target of a reference is a role. Typically, references are isomorphic to memory addresses. However, multiple such references can refer to the same object, if some form of address mapping is present (virtual addresses / page tables / memory segments).
Object identity is less useful as a semantic concept in environments or situations in which the structure of objects is not encapsulated, and two objects are considered to be the same object based on having identical properties, even if they are not actually the same physical instance (structural equivalence). However, object identity can nevertheless provide optimization. A function which tests whether two arguments are the same object can quickly short circuit to an affirmative answer if the two arguments have the same identity (are references to the same instance). Only if the argument are distinct objects do the individual properties need to be considered to determine equality, which is a more expensive operation. For instance, bignum integers may be heap-allocated objects such that two bignums are considered to be the same if they represent the same number. It might be a waste of machine cycles in the equality function not to take advantage of the discovery that the two arguments being compared are references to the same bignum.
Identity of objects allows objects to be treated as black boxes. The object need not expose its internal structure.
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In object-oriented programming, object-oriented design and object-oriented analysis, the identity of an object is its being distinct from any other object, regardless of the values of the objects' properties. Having identity is a fundamental property of objects. This is closely related to the philosophical concept of identity. A reference can be used to refer to an object with a specific identity. A reference contains the information that is necessary for the identity property to be realized in the programming language, and allows access to the object with the identity.
La programmation orientée objet (POO), ou programmation par objet, est un paradigme de programmation informatique. Elle consiste en la définition et l'interaction de briques logicielles appelées objets ; un objet représente un concept, une idée ou toute entité du monde physique, comme une voiture, une personne ou encore une page d'un livre. Il possède une structure interne et un comportement, et il sait interagir avec ses pairs.
En informatique, un objet est un conteneur symbolique et autonome qui contient des informations et des mécanismes concernant un sujet, manipulés dans un programme. Le sujet est souvent quelque chose de tangible appartenant au monde réel. C'est le concept central de la programmation orientée objet (POO). En programmation orientée objet, un objet est créé à partir d'un modèle appelé classe ou prototype, dont il hérite les comportements et les caractéristiques.
Ce cours approfondit les connaissances en programmation présentées dans le cours ICC du 1er semestre. L'accent est
mis sur l'approche «orientée objet» (en C++), la conception et la spécification de pr
The purpose of this MOOC is to offer a complementary capstone project to our existing MOOCs in introduction to programming. This will offer the students the possibility to both stabilize the already a
Le cours suivi propose une introduction aux concepts de base de la programmation orientée objet tels que : encapsulation et abstraction, classes/objets, attributs/méthodes, héritage, polymorphisme, ..
Le cours suivi propose une introduction aux concepts de base de la programmation orientée objet tels que : encapsulation et abstraction, classes/objets, attributs/méthodes, héritage, polymorphisme, ..
Couvre les structures de données abstraites et la bibliothèque standard C++, y compris les listes liées, les piles, les files d'attente et les nombres complexes.