François AvellanLe professeur François Avellan, directeur du Laboratoire de machines hydrauliques de l'EPFL, est Ingénieur hydraulicien diplômé en 1977 de l'Ecole nationale supérieure d'hydraulique, Institut national polytechnique de Grenoble, France. En 1980, il obtient, son titre de docteur ingénieur de l'Université d'Aix-Marseille II, France. Engagé à l'EPFL en 1980 en tant qu'adjoint scientifique, il est depuis 1994 directeur du Laboratoire de machines hydrauliques de l'EPFL et il a été nommé en 2003 professeur ordinaire en machines hydrauliques.
Directeur de 37 thèses de doctorat de l'EPFL, il a été distingué par la Société hydrotechnique de France qui lui a décerné son "Grand Prix 2010 de l'hydrotechnique". Son activité de recherche est centrée sur l'hydrodynamique des turbomachines, pompes et pompes-turbines incluant en particulier les domaines de la cavitation, l'hydroacoustique, les interactions fluide-structure, la conception et l'évaluation des performances des machines hydrauliques et systèmes associés.
De 2002 à 2012, le Professeur Avellan a présidé la section machines hydrauliques et systèmes de l'Association internationale de recherche hydraulique, AIRH. Le Professeur François Avellan a dirigé avec succès plusieurs projets de recherche aussi bien suisses qu'internationaux en partenariat avec les principaux acteurs industriels et exploitants du secteur hydro-électrique, parmi ces projet-on peut citer notamment:
Coordination du projet de recherche FP7 n° 608532 "HYPERBOLE: HYdropower plants PERformance and flexiBle Operation towards Lean integration of new renewable Energies" (2013-2017);
Directeur adjoint du pole Suisse de compétence en recherche énergétique – approvisionnement électrique (SCCER-SoE) pour développer une recherche innovante et pérenne dans le domaine des géo-énergies et de l'hydro-électricité pour la phase I (2013-2016) et la Phase II (2017, 2010).
Projets de recherche EUREKA: N° 4150 et N° 3246, "HYDRODYNA, Harnessing the dynamic behavior of pump-turbines", (2003-2011), N° 1605, "FLINDT, Flow Investigation in Draft Tubes", (1997-2002). N° 2418, "SCAPIN, Stability of Operation of Francis turbines, prediction and modeling";
Projets de recherche de la Commission pour la technologie et l'innovation, CTI, avec GE Renewable Energy (anc. ALSTOM Hydro), Birr, ANDRITZ Hydro, Kriens, FMV, Sion, Groupe E, Granges-Paccot, Power Vision engineering, Ecublens et SULZER Pompes, Winterthur.
Domaine des EPF, Projet HYDRONET du Centre de Compétence énergie et mobilité, PSI Villingen.
Enfin, il est impliqué dans l'expertise scientifique et les essais contractuels indépendants des performances des turbines et pompes-turbines des centrales hydro-électriques les plus importantes du monde. En reconnaissance de son activité de responsable du groupe de travail du comité TC4 en charge de la nouvelle édition de la norme CEI 60193, la Commission internationale électrotechnique, CEI, l'a distingué par le "IEC 1906 Award". Jürg Alexander SchiffmannAfter obtaining his diploma in mechanical engineering from EPFL in 1999 he co-founded a start-up company dedicated to the design of gas bearing supported rotors. In 2005 he joined Fischer Engineering Solutions where he led the development of small-scale, gas bearing supported high-speed turbomachinery for fuel cell air supplies and for domestic scale heat pumps. In parallel he worked on his PhD, which he obtained from EPFL in 2008 and for which he was awarded the SwissElectric Research Award. He then joined the Gas Turbine Lab at MIT as a postdoctoral associate where he worked on foil bearings and on the experimental investigation of radial diffusers. In 2013 he was nominated assistant professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne where he founds the Laboratory for Applied Mechanical Design. His current research interest are in gas lubricated bearings, in aerodynamics of small-scale compressors and turbines and in automated design and optimization methodologies.
John Richard ThomeJohn R. Thome is Professor of Heat and Mass Transfer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland since 1998, where his primary interests of research are two-phase flow and heat transfer, covering both macro-scale and micro-scale heat transfer and enhanced heat transfer. He directs the Laboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer (LTCM) at the EPFL with a research staff of about 18-20 and is also Director of the Doctoral School in Energy. He received his Ph.D. at Oxford University, England in 1978. He is the author of four books: Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer (1990), Convective Boiling and Condensation, 3rd Edition (1994), Wolverine Engineering Databook III (2004) and Nucleate Boiling on Micro-Structured Surfaces (2008). He received the ASME Heat Transfer Division's Best Paper Award in 1998 for a 3-part paper on two-phase flow and flow boiling heat transfer published in the Journal of Heat Transfer. He has received the J&E Hall Gold Medal from the U.K. Institute of Refrigeration in February, 2008 for his extensive research contributions on refrigeration heat transfer and more recently the 2010 ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award. He has published widely on the fundamental aspects of microscale and macroscale two-phase flow and heat transfer and on enhanced boiling and condensation heat transfer.
Mohamed FarhatM. Farhat was born in Casablanca in 1962 (Moroccan citizen). He graduated at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Hydraulique et de Mécanique de Grenoble (France. He joined The LMH laboratory in 1986 as research assistant. He completed in 1994 a Ph.D. thesis on Cavitation. He joined the R&D department of Hydro-Quebec in Montréal (Canada) in 1995 where he was in charge of several research projects in the areas of production and transportation of hydropower and mainly the monitoring of large hydro turbines. Since 2001, he is senior scientist at the LMH laboratory, head of the cavitation group. He is also lecturer in Master and Doctoral programs. He is member of the Doctoral Committee in Mechanics.
Daniel FavratDaniel Favrat a obtenu à l'EPFL son diplôme d'ingénieur mécanicien en 1972 et le titre de docteur ès sciences techniques en 1976.
Il passe ensuite 12 ans dans des centres de recherche industriels au Canada et en Suisse.Depuis 1988, D. Favrat est professeur et directeur du Laboratoire d'énergétique industrielle à l'EPFL. Il est aussi successivement directeur de l'Institut des Sciences de l'énergie et, dès janvier 2007, de l'Institut de Génie Mécanique. Ses recherches portent sur les analyses systémiques prenant en compte l'énergétique, l'environnement et l'économie (optimisation environomique), et les systèmes avancés pour une utilisation plus rationnelle de l'énergie (pompes à chaleur, moteurs, piles à combustible,turbomachines etc.)
Il est membre de l'Académie Suisse des Sciences Techniques et vice-président du comité énergie de la Fédération Mondiale des Organisations d'Ingénieurs. Il est éditeur associé du journal "Energy" et l'auteur de deux livres sur la thermodynamique et l'énergétique publiés aux Presses Polytechniques Universitaires Romandes.
David Atienza AlonsoDavid Atienza Alonso is an associate professor of EE and director of the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) at EPFL, Switzerland. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in computer science and engineering from UCM, Spain, and IMEC, Belgium, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. His research interests include system-level design methodologies for multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) servers and edge AI architectures. Dr. Atienza has co-authored more than 350 papers, one book, and 12 patents in these previous areas. He has also received several recognitions and award, among them, the ICCAD 10-Year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award in 2020, Design Automation Conference (DAC) Under-40 Innovators Award in 2018, the IEEE TCCPS Mid-Career Award in 2018, an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2016, the IEEE CEDA Early Career Award in 2013, the ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award in 2012, and a Faculty Award from Sun Labs at Oracle in 2011. He has also earned two best paper awards at the VLSI-SoC 2009 and CST-HPCS 2012 conference, and five best paper award nominations at the DAC 2013, DATE 2013, WEHA-HPCS 2010, ICCAD 2006, and DAC 2004 conferences. He serves or has served as associate editor of IEEE Trans. on Computers (TC), IEEE Design & Test of Computers (D&T), IEEE Trans. on CAD (T-CAD), IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (T-SUSC), and Elsevier Integration. He was the Technical Program Chair of DATE 2015 and General Chair of DATE 2017. He served as President of IEEE CEDA in the period 2018-2019 and was GOLD member of the Board of Governors of IEEE CASS from 2010 to 2012. He is a Distinguished Member of ACM and an IEEE Fellow.
Dusan LicinaDusan Licina is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Indoor Environmental Quality at the School for Architecture, Civil, and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) at EPFL. He leads the Human-Oriented Built Environment Lab (HOBEL) in Fribourg since 1 June 2018. Dusan’s research and teaching are driven by the need to advance knowledge of the intersections between people and the built environment in order to ensure high indoor environmental quality for building occupants with minimum energy input. His research group specializes in air quality engineering, focusing on understanding of concentrations, dynamics and fates of air pollutants within buildings, and development and application of methods to quantitatively describe relationships between air pollution sources and consequent human exposures. His research interests also encompass optimization of building ventilation systems with an aim to improve air quality and thermal comfort in an energy-efficient manner. Throughout his career, Dusan specialized in air quality engineering, focusing on sources and transport of air pollutants in buildings, human exposure assessment, and optimization of building ventilation systems with an aim to improve air quality. Dusan completed my joint Doctorate degree at the National University of Singapore and Technical University of Denmark. He was formerly master and bachelor student in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. Prior to joining EPFL, Dusan worked for 3.5 years in the USA, first he was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California Berkeley, and then he served as director on the standard development team at International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) in New York. Dusan is the recipient of several honors and awards, including Ralph G. Nevin’s award by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) given in recognition of significant accomplishment in the study of human response to the environment. He is editorial board member of the highly acclaimed Indoor Air journal. He is passionate about raising awareness about the air quality issues worldwide and developing buildings that are not only energy efficient, but that also contribute to “Michelin Star” indoor air quality.