Trowulan is an archaeological site in Trowulan Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency, in the Indonesian province of East Java. It includes approximately 100 square kilometres and has been theorized to be the site of the eponymous capital city of the Majapahit Empire, which is described by Mpu Prapanca in the 14th-century poem Nagarakretagama and in a 15th-century Chinese source. When it was the capital of the Majapahit Empire, the city was known as Wilwatikta, which is a name also synonymous with the empire's name. It was razed during the invasion of Girindrawardhana to defeat Kertabhumi in 1478. After this event Majapahit's capital was moved to Daha (Kediri). The Trowulan Museum includes a collection of artifacts.
The Nagarakretagama contains poetic descriptions of the palace of Majapahit and its surroundings but is limited to the royal and religious sectors. Some of the details are vague, and scholars who have tried to compile a plan of the capital have come to different conclusions.
Older research at Trowulan has concentrated on monumental remains: temples, tombs, and a bathing place. Archaeological surveys and excavations have recently found the remains of industrial, commercial and religious activity, habitation areas, water supply systems and water canals all of which are evidence of dense population during the 14th to 15th centuries. In October 2009 Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia submitted Trowulan as UNESCO World Heritage list.
According to the account of Prapanca in the Nagarakretagama poem, the royal compound was surrounded by a thick, high wall of red brick. Nearby was the fortified guard post. The main gate into the palace was located in the north wall and was entered through huge doors of decorated iron. Outside the north gate were a long building where courtiers met once a year, a market place, and a sacred crossroads. Just inside the north gate was a courtyard containing religious buildings. On the eastern side of this courtyard were pavilions surrounded by canals where people bathed.
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Le royaume de Sunda est un état hindou-bouddhique d'Indonésie qui a existé de 669 à 1030. Il était situé dans la partie nord de l'actuelle province de Banten, à l'extrémité occidentale de l'île de Java. Sa capitale était Banten Girang (aujourd'hui dans les faubourgs sud de la ville de Serang). Au début du , les Portugais, notamment l'apothicaire portugais Tomé Pires dans sa Suma Oriental, introduisent une confusion en appelant "Sunda" l'ensemble de la partie occidentale de Java.
Il existe en Indonésie de nombreux sites archéologiques datant de la période classique indonésienne (c'est-à-dire hindou-bouddhique), qui va du Leur appellation officielle est candi, du nom de Candi ou Candika, qui est la forme démoniaque et destructrice de la déesse Shakti. A Java, certains candi sont restés des lieux de cultes. C'est le cas des temples de Cetho et Sukuh () sur les flancs du mont Lawu, à l'est de Solo. La religion officielle de la majorité des Balinais étant l'hindouisme, les temples y sont toujours des lieux de cultes.
thumb|Statue de Vishnou d'époque Kediri Kediri ou Daha était un royaume de l'est de Java, dans la région de l'actuelle ville de Kediri. Les inscriptions sur plaque de cuivre sont une des sources par lesquelles ont connaît l'histoire de Java. On sait qu'en 907 , le roi Balitung (règne 899-910) étend son pouvoir depuis le centre vers l'est de l'île, et que le roi Mpu Sindok transfère définitivement sa capitale dans l'est.