
Margaret Scudamore

Margaret Scudamore (13 November 1881 – 5 October 1958) was an English theatre and film actress who began in ingenue roles before achieving a prolonged career in stage and screen support roles. She and her first husband, Roy Redgrave (1873-1922), are considered to be the first members of the now renowned Redgrave acting dynasty. Life and career Margaret was born Daisy Bertha Mary Scudamore in Portsmouth, she was the youngest of five children of William George, a shipwright at HM Portsmouth, and Clara (née Linington), all residing at 7 Melbourne Place, Southsea. She left home at the age of 18 and found her way to the London offices of theatrical agent, Sir John Denton. Mistaking her for Mary Scudamore, the young daughter of a well-known actor-playwright-manager Fortunatus Augustine Davis who had added "Scudmore" to his surname many years before, Sir John gave Daisy the unrelated Scudamore's address at Castelnau Mansions, Barnes. Fortunatus, a "most cheerful" man,
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