

nCUBE was a series of parallel computing computers from the company of the same name. Early generations of the hardware used a custom microprocessor. With its final generations of servers, nCUBE no longer designed custom microprocessors for machines, but used server-class chips manufactured by a third party in massively parallel hardware deployments, primarily for the purposes of on-demand video. nCUBE was founded in 1983 in Beaverton, Oregon, by a group of Intel employees (Steve Colley, Bill Richardson, John Palmer, Doran Wilde, Dave Jurasek) frustrated by Intel's reluctance to enter the parallel computing market, though Intel released its iPSC/1 in the same year as the first nCUBE was released. In December 1985, the first generation of nCUBE's hypercube machines were released. The second generation (N2) was launched in June 1989. The third generation (N3) was released in 1995. The fourth generation (N4) was released in 1999. In 1988, Larry Ellison invested heavily in nCUBE and became the company's majority shareholder. The company's headquarters were relocated to Foster City, California, to be closer to the Oracle Corporation. In 1994, Ronald Dilbeck became CEO and set nCUBE on a fast track to an initial public offering. In 1996, Ellison downsized nCUBE. Dilbeck left and Ellison took over as acting CEO, redirecting the company to become Oracle's Network Computer division. After the network computer diversion, nCUBE resumed development on video servers. nCUBE deployed its first VOD video server in Dubai's Burj al-Arab hotel. In 1999, nCUBE announced it was acquiring SkyConnect, a seven-year-old software company based in Louisville, Colorado, which developed digital advertising and VOD software for cable television. In the 1990s, nCUBE shifted its focus from the parallel computing market and, by 1999, had identified itself as a video on demand (VOD) solutions provider, shipping over 100 VOD systems delivering 17,000 streams and establishing a relationship with Microsoft TV.
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