
Subway Academy II

Subway Academy II is a public alternative high school in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located on the third floor of Beverley Public School, an elementary school for disabled children. Subway II (as it is referred to by many students) offers an unconventional approach to schooling, with a more flexible schedule, and one-on-one sessions with teachers. The school received its name from Subway Academy I, as it was an offshoot of that school. Despite the name, it is not accessible by the subway, and most students take the 510 Spadina streetcar to get to school. Nearby landmarks include Kensington Market, the University of Toronto, and the Art Gallery of Ontario. Classes Students are only required to come to class three days a week, but they are free to come on the other days as well. The learning environment at the school includes six computers, a collaborative chalkboard, a VCR/DVD player, a fully equipped kitchen, and a sizeable lending library. Due to its modest
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