BIO-693: Bioinformatic Analysis of RNA-sequencingThis course will take place from 2nd to 6th June 2025 in room AAC 1 37.
It introduces the workflows and techniques that are used for the analysis of bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data. It empowers stu
CIVIL-454: Transport facilities IILe cours « Infrastructures de transport II » permet de maitriser les principes de base de la réalisation et de la maintenance des infrastructures de transport routières et ferroviaires. Ce cours décri
CIVIL-463: Design and construction of roadwaysCe cours permet de maîtriser les principes et les bases de la conception des voies de circulation (infrastructures routières et ferroviaires). Il traite les bases des projets, la géométrie, la sécurit
CS-701: Human aspects of software engineeringStudents will be exposed to modern software engineering research and will learn how to evaluate, synthesize, and apply these research findings to their own independent projects. Time will also be spen
AR-301(t): Studio BA5 (Kueng et Caputo)La Vita è Bella engages with the question of how people appropriate their surroundings in the private and public sphere. How do we adopt and intervene in this world? By means of built interventions, 1
AR-401(t): Studio MA1 (Kueng & Caputo)La Vita è Bella engages with the question of how people appropriate their surroundings in the private and public sphere. How do we adopt and intervene in this world? By means of built interventions, 1