Henrik Moodysson RønnowHenrik Ronnow was born in Copenhagen in 1974. He was awarded his master's degree in physics in 1996. Having earned his doctorate in 2000, he left Denmark for training at the Laue-Langevin Institute in Grenoble. Between 2000 and 2002, he held a Marie Curie Fellowship hosted by the Atomic Energy Commission. In 2002 he was appointed as an invited researcher at the NEC Laboratories in Princeton, then at the University of Chicago's James Franck Institute. In 2003, he became a researcher at the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich) and at the Paul Scherrer Institute. In 2007 he was appointed Assistant Professor at Ecole Polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL). In 2012 he was promoted to Associate Professor. Profession 2012- Associate Professor, Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism, EPFL, Switzerland 2007-2012 Assistant Professor, Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism, EPFL, Switzerland 2003-2006 Scientist, Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, ETH-Zürich & Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland 2002-2003 Visiting Scientist, NEC-Laboratories Inc., Princeton, and James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, USA 2000-2002 Marie Curie Fellowship funded by the EU, hosted by Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Grenoble, France 2000 Postdoc, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France 1996 Research assistant, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark Education 2000 Ph.D. in Physics, Risø National Laboratory and University of Copenhagen: Aspects of quantum magnetism in one, two and three dimensions 1996 M.Sc. in Physics, University of Copenhagen: Magnetic properties of holmium-erbium alloys 1995 B.Sc in Mathematics, University of Copenhagen 1994 B.Sc in Physics, University of Copenhagen 1992 High school graduate, Natural Sciences, Scolae Academiae Sorana
Giuseppe CarleoGiuseppe Carleo is a computational quantum physicist, whose main focus is the development of advanced numerical algorithms tostudy challenging problems involving strongly interacting quantum systems.He is best known for the introduction of machine learning techniques to study both equilibrium and dynamical properties,based on a neural-network representations of quantum states, as well for the time-dependent variational Monte Carlo method.He earned a Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Theory from the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Italy in 2011.He held postdoctoral positions at the Institut d’Optique in France and ETH Zurich in Switzerland, where he alsoserved as a lecturer in computational quantum physics.In 2018, he joined the Flatiron Institute in New York City in 2018 at the Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ), working as a Research Scientist and project leader, and also leading the development of the open-source project NetKet.Since September 2020 he is an assistant professor at EPFL, in Switzerland, leading the Computational Quantum Science Laboratory (CQSL).
Paolo RicciPaolo Ricci earned his masters degree in nuclear engineering at the Politecnico di Torino, Turin (Italy) in 2000. His doctoral studies were conducted at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, with focus on kinetic simulation of magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail. He spent two-and-a-half years as a postdoctoral researcher at Dartmouth College's Department of Physics and Astronomy, where he worked on gyrokinetic simulations of the Z pinch. He joined the EPFL's Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), as a EURATOM fellow in 2006, was named Tenure Track Assistant Professor in June 2010, and Associate Professor in August 2016. He is at the head of the SPC theory group. Paolo Ricci is the recipient of the 2016 Section de Physique Teaching Prize and of the 2021 Craie d'Or award from the EPFL physics bachelor students.
Christian DepeursingeChristian Depeursinge is the leader of the Microvision and Micro-Diagnostics (MVD) group at the Advanced Photonics Laboratory of the Institute of Microengineering at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland (http://apl.epfl.ch/muvision). His research and expertise in biomedical engineering and optics is internationally acknowledged. His current research topics include coherent and incoherent Imaging applied to diagnostics in biology, His research group pioneered in the development of DHM technology. He worked on several projects developed in cooperation with European and international partners. He is author and co-author of over 100 papers published in peer reviewed journals, several book chapters and more than 30 patents. He has given more than 20 invited lectures and plenaries in the last five years. He developed many projects in cooperation with national and international industries. He is co-founder of a start-up company (Lyncée Tec SA: www.Lynceetec.com). He is currently teaching at EPFL and occasionally in foreign universities and institutes. Benoît Marie Joseph DeveaudBenoît Deveaud est maintenant Directeur Adjoint à l'Enseignement et la Recherche, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau.
Benoît Deveaud est né en France en 1952. Il est admis en 1971 à l'Ecole Polytechnique de Paris et s'y spécialise en physique. En 1974, il entre au Centre National d'Etudes des Télécommunications. Il mène à la fois les études sur les centres profonds dans les semi-conducteurs III-V, et poursuit ses études de physique en préparant un diplôme d'études approfondies en physique des solides. En 1984, il soutient sa thèse de doctorat à l'Université de Grenoble.
Entre-temps, son équipe s'intéresse aux microstructures et lance une recherche sur les propriétés structurales et optiques des super réseaux à base d'arséniure de gallium. Ces études mettent en évidence par exemple le transport vertical dans les superréseaux ou la quantification des énergies de transition dans un puits quantique. En 1986 il rejoint l'équipe de Daniel Chemla aux Bell Laboratories (Holmdel USA) et participe à la mise au point de la première expérience de luminescence ayant une résolution temporelle meilleure qu'une picoseconde. Il étudie les processus de relaxation ultra-rapide dans les puits quantiques.
Rentré en France, au CNET, en 1988, il dirige un laboratoire d'études ultra-rapides, portant sur les propriétés optiques et électroniques des matériaux semi-conducteurs.
Nommé professeur en physique à l'EPFL en octobre 1993, son équipe de recherche étudie la physique des processus ultrarapides dans les micro- et nanostructures et les composants qui les utilisent.
Il a dirigé l'Institut de Micro et Optoélectronique depuis 1998 puis l'Institut de Photonique et électronique quantique de 2003 à 2007. Son équipe participe activement au Pôle national de Recherche "Quantum Photonics" dont il a été le Directeur Adjoint de 2001 à 2005 puis le Directeur de 2005 à 2013.
Il a été Doyen pour la recherche à l'EPFL de 2008 à 2014.
De 2014 à 2017, il a dirigé l'Institut de Physique.
Il a été editeur divisionnaire de Physical Review Letters de 2001 à 2007.
Marco GrioniMarco Grioni est né à Milan (Italie). Après une thèse au Politecnico di Milano en 1982, il occupe des positions de recherche à Minneapolis (USA), Nijmegen (Pays Bas), Orsay (France) et Neuchâtel, où il devient Privat Docent en Physique du Solide en 1994. A l'EPFL depuis 1996, il est nommé professeur titulaire en 2005. Il enseigne la physique générale et dirige actuellement le Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Electronique de l'Institut de Physique.
Ses recherches portent sur les propriétés électroniques de nouveaux matériaux tels que les supraconducteurs à haute température, les métaux à basse dimension et les fermions lourds, qu'il étudie par la spectroscopie des photoélectrons (ARPES) à très haute résolution, par ultrafast time-resolved ARPES, et par d'autres techniques utilisant le rayonnement synchrotron. Auteur d'env. 220 publications, il participe activement au niveau suisse et européen au développement de nouveaux instruments. Entre 2003 et 2006 il a été chairman de l'organisation des utilisateurs du synchrotron européen de Grenoble (ESRF). De 2010 à 2017 il a été chairman du Scientific Advisory Committee du synchrotron national français SOLEIL.
Ambrogio FasoliAmbrogio FASOLI was born on November 10, 1964, in Milano, Italy. After a classical high school diploma (Maturità Classica) and graduation from the University of Milano, with the degree of Dottore in Fisica, he obtained his Phd at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale (EPFL) with a thesis on chaos in wave-particle interactions in plasmas, which was awarded the Best EPFL Thesis prize, in 1993. He then moved to the JET Joint Undertaking, the largest worlds fusion device, near Oxford, UK, to investigate Alfvén waves and burning plasma physics. In 1995-1996 he took a sabbatical leave, visiting several Universities and Research Institutes in Europe and in the USA, including three months at General Atomics in San Diego. In 1996-1997, during a second period at JET, he participated in the fusion power worlds record experiments in Deuterium-Tritium plasmas at JET. In 1997 he was nominated Assistant Professor in MIT Physics Department, where he led a basic plasma physics group and the international collaboration between MIT and JET. In 2001 Ambrogio FASOLI was nominated Assistant Professor of Physics at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, and Professeur Boursier of the Swiss National Science Foundation. He became member of CRPP Directorate and took the leadership of CRPP basic plasma physics group and of the TCV tokamak, one of the major fusion experiments worldwide. At European level he was scientific coordinator for JET experiments, spokesperson for multi-machine experiments in the frame of International Tokamak Physics Activities, and Project Leader for a JET Enhancement project. In 2005 he became Associate Professor of Physics with tenure at EPFL, then member of EFDA Science and Technology Advisory Committee, and of the Steering Committee of the Association EURATOM-Swiss Confederation. From 2006 he was also Deputy Director, then from 2007 Executive Director of CRPP and from 2008 Full Professor of Physics at EPFL. For a number of years he was the Chair of the EPFL Physics Strategic Committee and a member of the Directorate of the EPFL School of Sciences. Since the summer of 2014 Professor FASOLI was the sole Director of CRPP. He now represents Switzerland in the EUROfusion General Assembly and Bureau, and in the Governing Board for Fusion for Energy. He is member of the EUROfusion DEMO project Board, of the Scientific Board of the Helmotz Virtual Institute on Advanced Microwave Diagnostics, of the European Delegation for the Cooperation between Euratom and the Government of India in Fusion Energy Research, of the European Consortium for the development of the ITER gyratron (EGYC), and participates to numerous international review panels. He chairs the FuseNet Academic Council, the International Advisory Panel for the Laboratory of Excellence Plas@Par in the Sorbonne Universities, the European Consortium for the construction of the ITER microwave Upper Launcher (ECHUL), and the Promotion Committee of the EPFL Faculty of Basic Sciences. He is one the three European representatives in the International Tokamak Physics Activities Coordinating Committee, advising ITER, and the Editor-in-Chief of the IAEA journal Nuclear Fusion. Since January 2019, Ambrogio Fasoli is the Chair of the General Assembly, i.e. the president of EUROfusion, the European Consortium for Development of Fusion Energy. Professor FASOLI is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and since 2001 a Visiting Professor at MIT Physics Department. He is the Director of the Swiss Plasma Center.