
Shimizu Higashi High School

is known as a top high school in Shimizu, and one of the best high schools in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Shimizu Higashi High School is famous for high academic achievement especially in science and mathematics field as well as competitive sports teams. Notable alumni Shimizu Higashi High School soccer team is a prestigious team, and a number of professional soccer players have graduated Shimizu Higashi High School. These include: Ryuichi Sugiyama, Kenta Hasegawa, Katsumi Oenoki, Nobuhiro Takeda, Naoki Soma, Akinori Nishizawa, Naohiro Takahara, Atsuto Uchida, among many others. History
  • 1923 - The school received approval from the Ministry of Education to establish a middle school in Ihara, Shizuoka Prefecture area.
  • 1924 - The school was opened as a middle school in the Ihara (Shizuoka Prefecture) area.
  • 1939 - The school was renamed as Shimizu.
  • 1948 - The school system was reformed by Daiichi Shimizu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Part-time courses were establish
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