In coding theory, the Kraft–McMillan inequality gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a prefix code (in Leon G. Kraft's version) or a uniquely decodable code (in Brockway McMillan's version) for a given set of codeword lengths. Its applications to prefix codes and trees often find use in computer science and information theory. Kraft's inequality was published in . However, Kraft's paper discusses only prefix codes, and attributes the analysis leading to the inequality to Raymond Redheffer. The result was independently discovered in . McMillan proves the result for the general case of uniquely decodable codes, and attributes the version for prefix codes to a spoken observation in 1955 by Joseph Leo Doob. Kraft's inequality limits the lengths of codewords in a prefix code: if one takes an exponential of the length of each valid codeword, the resulting set of values must look like a probability mass function, that is, it must have total measure less than or equal to one. Kraft's inequality can be thought of in terms of a constrained budget to be spent on codewords, with shorter codewords being more expensive. Among the useful properties following from the inequality are the following statements: If Kraft's inequality holds with strict inequality, the code has some redundancy. If Kraft's inequality holds with equality, the code in question is a complete code. If Kraft's inequality does not hold, the code is not uniquely decodable. For every uniquely decodable code, there exists a prefix code with the same length distribution. Let each source symbol from the alphabet be encoded into a uniquely decodable code over an alphabet of size with codeword lengths Then Conversely, for a given set of natural numbers satisfying the above inequality, there exists a uniquely decodable code over an alphabet of size with those codeword lengths. Any binary tree can be viewed as defining a prefix code for the leaves of the tree. Kraft's inequality states that Here the sum is taken over the leaves of the tree, i.
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