Reproductive success is an individual's production of offspring per breeding event or lifetime. This is not limited by the number of offspring produced by one individual, but also the reproductive success of these offspring themselves. Reproductive success is different from fitness in that individual success is not necessarily a determinant for adaptive strength of a genotype since the effects of chance and the environment have no influence on those specific genes. Reproductive success turns into a part of fitness when the offspring are actually recruited into the breeding population. If offspring quantity is not correlated with quality this holds up, but if not then reproductive success must be adjusted by traits that predict juvenile survival in order to be measured effectively. Quality and quantity is about finding the right balance between reproduction and maintenance. The disposable soma theory of aging tells us that a longer lifespan will come at the cost of reproduction and thus longevity is not always correlated with high fecundity. Parental investment is a key factor in reproductive success since taking better care to offspring is what often will give them a fitness advantage later in life. This includes mate choice and sexual selection as an important factor in reproductive success, which is another reason why reproductive success is different from fitness as individual choices and outcomes are more important than genetic differences. As reproductive success is measured over generations, longitudinal studies are the preferred study type as they follow a population or an individual over a longer period of time in order to monitor the progression of the individual(s). These long term studies are preferable since they negate the effects of the variation in a single year or breeding season. Nutrition is one of the factors that influences reproductive success. For example, different amounts of consumption and more specifically carbohydrate to protein ratios.
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Concepts associés (4)
Reproductive success
Reproductive success is an individual's production of offspring per breeding event or lifetime. This is not limited by the number of offspring produced by one individual, but also the reproductive success of these offspring themselves. Reproductive success is different from fitness in that individual success is not necessarily a determinant for adaptive strength of a genotype since the effects of chance and the environment have no influence on those specific genes.
Investissement parental
Dans la biologie de l'évolution, Robert Trivers fut le premier à définir le terme d'investissement parental (IP) comme tout investissement par le parent dans une descendance individuelle qui en augmente la chance de survie (et par là la réussite de la reproduction), mais en ôtant au parent des possibilités d'investir dans une autre progéniture. En d'autres termes, cela représente ce que les parents dépensent (en temps, énergie, etc.
Valeur sélective
La valeur sélective (valeur adaptative ou fitness en reprenant le nom anglais) est un concept central en biologie de l'évolution. Elle décrit la capacité d'un individu d'un certain génotype à se reproduire. C'est une mesure de la sélection naturelle qui peut être définie de nombreuses façons. Darwin fut le premier à parler du concept de valeur sélective. La valeur sélective d'un individu peut être mesurée par la proportion de ses descendants qui atteignent la maturité sexuelle.
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