
Albanian Australians

Albanian Australians (Shqiptarë Australian) are residents of Australia who have Albanian heritage or descent; many are from Albania and North Macedonia but some are from Kosovo, Montenegro, Greece, Turkey, Bosnia and Italy. Albanian Australians are a geographically dispersed community; the largest concentrations are in the Melbourne suburb Dandenong and in the regional city Shepparton, both of which are in Victoria. The Albanian community has been present in Australia for a long period, and its presence in the country is unproblematic and peaceful. According to the 2016 census, of the total number of Albania born residents: 2,594 declared their ancestry as Albanian, 179 as Greek and 53 as English. Furthermore, Albanian, Greek and English were the most commonly spoken languages at home of Albania-born individuals. History Early Albanian immigration In 1885, Naum Konxha settled in Brisbane, Q
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