ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
ENV-525: Physics and hydrology of snowThis course covers principles of snow physics, snow hydrology, snow-atmosphere interaction, and snow modeling. It transmits detailed understanding of physical processes within the snow and at its inte
ME-460: Renewable energy (for ME)The students assess and compare all renewable energy resources, their real potentials, limitations and best applications (energy services). Solar thermal, solar electric, wood, bioliquids, biogas, hyd
ME-409: Energy conversion and renewable energyThis course presents an overview of (i) the current energy system and uses (ii) the main principles of conventional and renewable energy technologies and (iii) the most important parameters that defin
HUM-123(b): Global issues: energy BLe cours abordera les grandes problématiques technologiques et socio-économiques liées à la transition énergétique, ainsi que les perspectives et barrières à l'établissement d'un système énergétique d
PHYS-101(a): General physics : mechanicsLe but du cours de physique générale est de donner à l'étudiant les notions de base nécessaires à la compréhension des phénomènes physiques. L'objectif est atteint lorsque l'étudiant est capable de pr
MATH-451: Numerical approximation of PDEsThe course is about the derivation, theoretical analysis and implementation of the finite element method for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations in one and two space dimens
PHYS-100: Advanced physics I (mechanics)La Physique Générale I (avancée) couvre la mécanique du point et du solide indéformable. Apprendre la mécanique, c'est apprendre à mettre sous forme mathématique un phénomène physique, en modélisant l