
Philip Russell (bishop)

Philip Welsford Richmond Russell, (21 October 1919 – 25 July 2013) was a South African Anglican bishop. Personal life Russell was born 21 October 1919 in Cowies Hill, South Africa and died 25 July 2013 in Adelaide, Australia. He was educated in Durban at Clifton Preparatory School and Durban High School. Having trained as a quantity surveyor, he served in World War II as part of a bomb disposal unit in the South African Engineering Corps. He was awarded the MBE in 1943 for his service. It was during this time he felt called to the priesthood. He studied at Rhodes University and St Paul's Theological College in Grahamstown. He was ordained as a deacon in 1940 and as a priest in 1941. He met fellow-South African Eirene Hogarth in Rome in 1944, whom he married in 1945 at the Garrison Church, Foggia, Italy. Together they had four children, Susan, June, Pauline and Christopher. After the death of his wife in 2001, Russell moved to Adelaide, Australia,
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