MSE-304: Surfaces and interfacesThis lecture introduces the basic concepts used to describe the atomic or molecular structure of surfaces and interfaces and the underlying thermodynamic concepts. The influence of interfaces on the p
MICRO-390: Light, liquids and interfacesThis course provides an overview of relevant interactions in liquids, combining thermodynamics, statistical physics and pair potetnials. Water and aqueos systm,es will be considered in detail. Optical
AR-480: UE X : Experience designExperience Design examines the effects of digitalization on architectural typologies in the contemporary city. The course questions traditional typologies by focusing on an understanding and re-design
CS-489: Experience designAs we move towards a design economy, the success of new products, systems and services depend increasingly on the excellence of personal experience. This course introduces students to the notion and p
MSE-667: CCMX Tribology and Surfaces InteractionsThis course is intended to give to the participants (graduates, researchers and industrial professionals) a solid background in tribology and surface interactions. It covers the fundamentals concepts
CS-108: Practice of object-oriented programmingLes étudiants perfectionnent leurs connaissances en Java et les mettent en pratique en réalisant un projet de taille conséquente. Ils apprennent à utiliser et à mettre en œuvre les principaux types de
COM-112(a): Project oriented programmingCe cours complète les connaissances sur le langage C++, en particulier sur le développement d'application modulaire
robuste (principe de séparation des fonctionnalités). La dimension pratique étant ju
ENV-525: Physics and hydrology of snowThis course covers principles of snow physics, snow hydrology, snow-atmosphere interaction, and snow modeling. It transmits detailed understanding of physical processes within the snow and at its inte
MICRO-333: Wireless sensor practicalsIn this course, students will design, fabricate, and characterize a wireless sensor wearable. Students will design a custom-chosen wearable around a standardized wireless microcotroller platform, in
CS-119(h): Information, Computation, CommunicationL'objectif de ce cours est d'initier les étudiants à la pensée algorithmique, de les familiariser avec les fondamentaux de l'informatique et des communications et de développer une première compétence