The students will understand the cognitive and social factors which affect learning - particularly in science and engineering. They will be able to use social research techniques as part of the design
Décrire les processus cognitifs et cérébraux à l'œuvre dans les processus de mémoire et la formation de l'individualité. Identifier les différences et les similitudes entre approches neurobiologiques
A first course in statistical time series analysis and applications.
In this course we study mathematical models of neurons and neuronal networks in the context of biology and establish links to models of cognition. The focus is on brain dynamics approximated by determ
Multiprocessors are a core component in all types of computing infrastructure, from phones to datacenters. This course will build on the prerequisites of processor design and concurrency to introduce
Digital IC Design presents the fundamentals of digital integrated circuit design. The methods and techniques aiming at the fabrication and development of digital integrated circuits are reviewed, the
The course starts with fundamentals of electrical - and chemical signaling in neurons. Students then learn how neurons in the brain receive and process sensory information, and how other neurons contr
This course addresses the relationship between specific technological features and the learners' cognitive processes. It also covers the methods and results of empirical studies: do student actually l
La discipline de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (ou HCI : Human-Computer Interaction) vise à systématiquement placer le facteur humain dans la conception de systèmes interactifs.
L'objectif de ce cours est d'introduire les étudiants à la pensée algorithmique, de les familiariser avec les fondamentaux de l'Informatique et de développer une première compétence en programmation (