MATH-410: Riemann surfacesThis course is an introduction to the theory of Riemann surfaces. Riemann surfaces naturally appear is mathematics in many different ways: as a result of analytic continuation, as quotients of complex
MATH-658: Vanishing cycles and perverse sheavesThis course will explain the theory of vanishing cycles and perverse sheaves. We will see how the Hard Lefschetz theorem can be proved using perverse sheaves. If we have more time we will try to see t
MATH-207(a): Analysis IV (for SV, MT)The course studies the fundamental concepts of complex analysis with a view to their use in solving multidisciplinary problems of scientific engineering.
MATH-512: Optimization on manifoldsWe develop, analyze and implement numerical algorithms to solve optimization problems of the form min f(x) where x is a point on a smooth manifold. To this end, we first study differential and Riemann
MATH-327: Topics in complex analysisThe goal of this course is to treat selected topics in complex analysis. We will mostly focus on holomorphic functions in one variable. At the end we will also discuss holomorphic functions in several
MATH-333: Selected chapters of geometryAprès avoir traité la théorie de base des courbes et surfaces dans le plan et l'espace euclidien,
nous étudierons certains chapitres choisis : surfaces minimales, surfaces à courbure moyenne constante
MATH-207(c): Analysis IV (for EL, GM, MX)This course serves as an introduction to the theory of complex analysis, Fourier series and Fourier transforms, the Laplace transform, with applications to the theory of ordinary and partial different