A biochemical cascade, also known as a signaling cascade or signaling pathway, is a series of chemical reactions that occur within a biological cell when initiated by a stimulus. This stimulus, known as a first messenger, acts on a receptor that is transduced to the cell interior through second messengers which amplify the signal and transfer it to effector molecules, causing the cell to respond to the initial stimulus. Most biochemical cascades are series of events, in which one event triggers the next, in a linear fashion. At each step of the signaling cascade, various controlling factors are involved to regulate cellular actions, in order to respond effectively to cues about their changing internal and external environments. An example would be the coagulation cascade of secondary hemostasis which leads to fibrin formation, and thus, the initiation of blood coagulation. Another example, sonic hedgehog signaling pathway, is one of the key regulators of embryonic development and is present in all bilaterians. Signaling proteins give cells information to make the embryo develop properly. When the pathway malfunctions, it can result in diseases like basal cell carcinoma. Recent studies point to the role of hedgehog signaling in regulating adult stem cells involved in maintenance and regeneration of adult tissues. The pathway has also been implicated in the development of some cancers. Drugs that specifically target hedgehog signaling to fight diseases are being actively developed by a number of pharmaceutical companies. Cells require a full and functional cellular machinery to live. When they belong to complex multicellular organisms, they need to communicate among themselves and work for symbiosis in order to give life to the organism. These communications between cells triggers intracellular signaling cascades, termed signal transduction pathways, that regulate specific cellular functions. Each signal transduction occurs with a primary extracellular messenger that binds to a transmembrane or nuclear receptor, initiating intracellular signals.
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Publications associées (1)

Epithelial stem cells and mechanical signal transduction

Vincent Bernard Cattin

Hair follicles are cutaneous structures characteristic of mammals. These sensitive organs cycle and contain multipotent epithelial stem cells which are implicated in hair growth and hair cycle. A sing
Concepts associés (69)
Signalisation cellulaire
La signalisation cellulaire est un système complexe de communication qui régit les processus fondamentaux des cellules et coordonne leur activité. La capacité des cellules à percevoir leur micro-environnement et à y répondre correctement est à la base de leur développement et de celui des organismes multicellulaires, de la cicatrisation et du système immunitaire, ainsi que de l'homéostasie tissulaire normale. Des dysfonctionnements dans le traitement de l'information cellulaire peuvent être responsables de maladies telles que le cancer, les maladies auto-immunes et le diabète.
Biochemical cascade
A biochemical cascade, also known as a signaling cascade or signaling pathway, is a series of chemical reactions that occur within a biological cell when initiated by a stimulus. This stimulus, known as a first messenger, acts on a receptor that is transduced to the cell interior through second messengers which amplify the signal and transfer it to effector molecules, causing the cell to respond to the initial stimulus. Most biochemical cascades are series of events, in which one event triggers the next, in a linear fashion.
Les serpines (de l'anglais serpin, mot-valise pour ine rotease hibitor) sont des protéines aux structures semblables, connues historiquement pour leur capacité à inhiber les protéases à sérine. Elles forment une superfamille de protéines présente à travers tous les règnes du vivant. Elles doivent leur nom au fait que les premières à avoir été identifiées inhibent les protéases à sérine de type chymotrypsine. Elles sont remarquables par leur mécanisme d'action, qui consiste à inhiber leur peptidase cible en subissant un changement conformationnel de grande amplitude qui fait disparaître le site actif.
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Cours associés (15)
BIO-603(BP): Practical - Barth Lab
This course will convey the concepts and experimental techniques for studying the signal transduction mediated by receptors across biological membranes.
BIO-667: Practical - Huelsken Lab (EDMS)
Assessment of signaling mechanisms in cancer. The objectives of the course are:
  • to understand the importance of signaling and cell-cell interactions in cancer stroma interactions
  • to learn techniq
BIO-611: Practical - Constam Lab
During development, cell fates are governed by multiple microenvironmental cues and their integration by specific signal transduction pathways. This course focuses on imaging of mechanosensory cilia o
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Séances de cours associées (51)
Récepteurs nucléaires : signalisation centraleCH-411: Cellular signalling
Explore la signalisation centrale des récepteurs nucléaires et l'impact des perturbateurs endocriniens sur le système endocrinien, y compris les effets inhibiteurs de composés comme l'eugénol sur le récepteur des œstrogènes.
Récepteur Tyrosine Kinases: Signalisation et RégulationCH-411: Cellular signalling
Explore l'activation, les cascades de signalisation et les mécanismes de régulation des récepteurs tyrosine kinases, en mettant l'accent sur les implications de la maladie et les stratégies thérapeutiques.
Rétroaction positiveME-323: Chemical process control
Explore la rétroaction positive dans la nature, en montrant comment elle amplifie les signaux pour des comportements ponctuels spécifiques.
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