Learn the concepts, tools and API's that are needed to debug, test, optimize and parallelize a scientific application on a cluster from an existing code or from scratch. Both OpenMP (shared memory) an
The course introduces the foundations on which programs and programming languages are built. It introduces syntax, types and semantics as building blocks that together define the properties of a progr
Microcontrôleurs et conception de systèmes numériques couvre le fonctionnement interne d'un microcontrôleur, des notions de base d'architecture de processeur et de système informatique ainsi que les i
The aim of this course is to provide the background in scientific computing. The class includes a brief introduction to basic programming in c++, it then focus on object oriented programming and c++ s
This is an introductory course to computer security and privacy. Its goal is to provide students with means to reason about security and privacy problems, and provide them with tools to confront them.
This course provides practical experience in the numerical simulation of fluid flows. Numerical methods are presented in the framework of the finite volume method. A simple solver is developed with Ma
Microcontrôleurs couvre le fonctionnement interne d'un microcontrôleur, des notions de base d'architecture de processeur et de système informatique ainsi que les interfaces de microcontrôleurs, et pro
The objective of this course is to provide the necessary background for designing efficient parallel algorithms in scientific computing as well as in the analysis of large volumes of data. The operati
This course offers a comprehensive, practical introduction to computer programming tailored for chemists and chemical engineers. Python is the main language used throughout the course.
L'objectif de ce cours est de développer des compétences de base en programmation. L'accent sera mis sur l'approche orientée-objet laquelle renforce la réutilisabilité, la maintenabilité et la fiabili