The students will learn about the basic principles of wireless communication systems, including transmission and modulation schemes as well as the basic components and algorithms of a wireless receive
This course provides a detailed description of the organization and operating principles of mobile and wireless communication networks, as well as the use of wireless signals for sensing and imaging.
The principles of 3D surface (SEM) reconstruction and its limitations will be explained. 3D volume reconstruction and tomography methods by electron microscopy (SEM/FIB and TEM) will be explained and
The course covers the fundaments of bioelectronics and integrated microelectronics for biomedical and implantable systems. Issues and trade-offs at the circuit and systems levels of invasive microelec
This course is an introduction to microwaves and microwave passive circuits. A special attention is given to the introduction of the notion of distributed circuits and to the scattering matrix
Neural interfaces (NI) are bioelectronic systems that interface the nervous system to digital technologies. This course presents their main building blocks (transducers, instrumentation & communicatio
The course introduces the students to the basic notions
of computer architecture and, in particular, to the
choices of the Instruction Set Architecture and to the
memory hierarchy of modern systems.
The aim of this doctoral course by Nicolas Sangouard is to lay the theoretical groundwork that is needed for students to understand how to take advantage of quantum effects for communication technolog