From the mid-1980s to September 2003, the inflation adjusted price of a barrel of crude oil on NYMEX was generally under 25/barrel.Then,during2004,thepriceroseabove40, and then 60.Aseriesofeventsledthepricetoexceed60 by August 11, 2005, leading to a record-speed hike that reached 75bythemiddleof2006.Pricesthendroppedbackto60/barrel by the early part of 2007 before rising steeply again to 92/barrelbyOctober2007,and99.29/barrel for December futures in New York on November 21, 2007. Throughout the first half of 2008, oil regularly reached record high prices. Prices on June 27, 2008, touched 141.71/barrel,forAugustdeliveryintheNewYorkMercantileExchange,amidLibya′sthreattocutoutput,andOPEC′spresidentpredictedpricesmayreach170 by the Northern summer. The highest recorded price per barrel maximum of 147.02wasreachedonJuly11,2008.Afterfallingbelow100 in the late summer of 2008, prices rose again in late September. On September 22, oil rose over 25to130 before settling again to 120.92,markingarecordone−daygainof16.37. Electronic crude oil trading was temporarily halted by NYMEX when the daily price rise limit of 10wasreached,butthelimitwasresetsecondslaterandtradingresumed.ByOctober16,priceshadfallenagaintobelow70, and on November 6 oil closed below 60.Thenin2009,priceswentslightlyhigher,althoughnottotheextentofthe2005–2007crisis,exceeding100 in 2011 and most of 2012. Since late 2013 the oil price has fallen below the 100mark,plummetingbelowthe50 mark one year later.
As the price of producing petroleum did not rise significantly, the price increases have coincided with a period of record profits for the oil industry. Between 2004 and 2007, the profits of the six supermajors – ExxonMobil, Total, Shell, BP, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips – totaled $494.8 billion. Likewise, major oil-dependent countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Russia, Venezuela and Nigeria have benefited economically from surging oil prices during the 2000s.
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Oil and gas reserves denote discovered quantities of crude oil and natural gas (oil or gas fields) that can be profitably produced/recovered from an approved development. Oil and gas reserves tied to approved operational plans filed on the day of reserves reporting are also sensitive to fluctuating global market pricing. The remaining resource estimates (after the reserves have been accounted) are likely sub-commercial and may still be under appraisal with the potential to be technically recoverable once commercially established.
vignette|Prix du pétrole en dollars de 1861 à 2015 (1861-1944 : brut américain moyen, 1945-1983 : brut « Arabian Light », 1984-2015 : Brent). Courbe rouge : prix corrigés de l'inflation ; bleue : prix non actualisés. Le marché pétrolier est le lieu où se rencontrent l'offre et la demande de pétrole et de produits pétroliers. C'est sur ce marché que se forment le prix du baril de pétrole brut et ceux de ses divers dérivés. Le prix du baril dépend de son degré, déterminé par des facteurs tels que sa densité API ou sa quantité de sulfure, de sa localisation et du jeu de l'offre et de la demande.
La société BP est une compagnie britannique de recherche, d'extraction, de raffinage et de vente de pétrole fondée en 1909. Anciennement nommée Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC-1909), puis Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC-1935), puis British Petroleum Company (BP-1954), puis BPAmoco (2001), avant d'être renommée BP. Après sa fusion avec Amoco, Atlantic Richfield (Arco) et Burmah Castrol, elle est devenue la plus grande société du Royaume-Uni et la troisième compagnie pétrolière mondiale.
Explore les scénarios futurs de David Holmgren et leurs implications sociétales, y compris le ralentissement du déclin pétrolier et la technologie verte.
Explore la programmation dynamique pour optimiser les processus de prise de décision au fil du temps, en utilisant des exemples concrets tels que l'extraction de pétrole et la négociation d'actions.
Explore la modélisation des chaînes de valeur énergétiques, des caractéristiques de chauffage, des combustibles pétroliers, de l'impact environnemental et des coûts de chauffage.
As oil consumption surged in Western Europe after 1945, its environmental and sanitary consequences became visible to consumers for whom they had remained largely hidden until then. Indeed, refineries had long been located in the producing countries or, in ...
Gas shale swelling during hydraulic stimulation is one of the major challenges in unconventional gas development. It is hypothesized that the large volumetric strain upon water imbibition is a consequence of dramatic changes in capillary pressure and disjo ...
We model oil price dynamics in a general equilibrium production economy with two goods: a consumption good and oil. Production of the consumption good requires drawing from oil reserves at a fixed rate. Investment necessary to replenish oil reserves is cos ...