A sphincter is a circular muscle that normally maintains constriction of a natural body passage or orifice and which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning. Sphincters are found in many animals. There are over 60 types in the human body, some microscopically small, in particular the millions of precapillary sphincters. Sphincters relax at death, often releasing fluids and faeces. Each sphincter is associated with the lumen (opening) it surrounds. As long as the sphincter muscle is contracted, its length is shortened and the lumen is constricted (closed). Relaxation of the muscle causes it to lengthen, opening the lumen and allowing the passage of liquids, solids, or gases. This is evident, for example, in the blowholes of numerous marine mammals. Many sphincters are used every day in the normal course of digestion. For example, the lower oesophageal sphincter (or cardiac sphincter), which resides at the top of the stomach, is closed most of the time, keeping acids and other stomach contents from pushing up and into the oesophagus, but opens to let swallowed food pass into the stomach. Sphincters can be further classified into functional and anatomical sphincters: Anatomical sphincters have a localised and often circular muscle thickening to facilitate their action as a sphincter. Functional sphincters do not have this localised muscle thickening and achieve their sphincteric action through muscle contraction around (extrinsic) or within (intrinsic) the structure. Sphincters can also be voluntarily or involuntarily controlled: Voluntary sphincters are supplied by somatic nerves. Involuntary sphincters are stimulated by autonomic nerves. The sphincter pupillae, or pupillary sphincter, belonging to the iris in the eye. The orbicularis oculi muscle, a muscle around the eye. The upper oesophageal sphincters The lower esophageal sphincter, or cardiac sphincter, at the upper portion (cardia) of the stomach. This sphincter prevents the acidic contents of the stomach from moving upward into the esophagus.
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Cours associés (2)
BIO-320: Morphology I
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Publications associées (4)
Concepts associés (6)
Le muscle est un organe composé de tissu mou retrouvé chez les animaux. Il est composé de tissus musculaires et de tissus conjonctifs (+ vaisseaux sanguins + nerfs). Les cellules musculaires (composant le tissu musculaire) contiennent des filaments protéiques d'actine et de myosine qui glissent les uns sur les autres, produisant une contraction qui modifie à la fois la longueur et la forme de la cellule. Les muscles fonctionnent pour produire de la force et du mouvement.
Muscular layer
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Muscle lisse
vignette|Tissu musculaire lisse sous microscope Le muscle lisse est un type de muscle dont, à l'inverse du muscle strié, les protéines contractiles ne sont pas organisées sous forme de sarcomères, ce qui lui ôte l'aspect strié lors de l'observation sous microscope. Le muscle lisse se contracte lentement et avec moins de force que le muscle strié. Il est sous le contrôle du système nerveux autonome et du système endocrinien et fonctionne donc de manière indépendante de la volonté.
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